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Chain Reaction #2: Vizier ta Seti vs. Stephen Waltz


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Debut match for Vizier ta Seti

Normal rules.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
V/O: "In ancient Egypt, it was believed that the heart was the key to the afterlife. The heart, not the brain, was the seat of emotion, will, and intelligence."

"My heart is strong, and my heart beats on."

(FADEIN: Sunset on a nameless bridge, with a figure looking out over the water. He is wearing a dark green overcoat, and people are walking past on their way... wherever.

The figure crosses his arms and turns around; his face is obscured by the light behind him but his voice is that of Vizier ta Seti, newly arrived to the IWF.)

SETI: "Ten years ago I died, but my heart refused to accept it. I walked away from this industry with no regrets... but infinite questions."

"I am here to answer those questions."

(The camera moves to the side, to show half his face bathed in light from the sunset, the other half in darkness.)

SETI: "The key to building anything is to start with a strong foundation. I have no interest in these multimillion dollar companies that had no interest in me. My foundation will begin with Stephen Waltz, and will continue through the whole of the International Wrestling Federation."

"Every journey has a first step."

"Every legend has a first chapter."

"The pages of my past life are in tatters on the ground, around me."

"Behind me."

"They shaped me into who I was, but they have no bearing on who I will become."

(Seti holds up a stack of papers. It's impossible to see what's on them, but he tosses them over the bridge regardless.)

SETI: "I write my own destiny, and the first chapter will be with Stephen Waltz."

"Days, weeks, months, years from now... when the legend has grown from the tiniest of seeds and the multimillion dollar companies come calling once again... it will be my singular joy... to hang up the phone."

(He turned, and walked away from the camera.)

SETI (V/O): "Vizier ta Seti is not for sale... not to anyone."


User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile

"If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere."

"That's a load of crap."

(FADEIN: A candle.

Thick and red, it stands on a glass holder, and the flame is the only source of light you can see.

Pull back a little, and Vizier ta Seti is sitting behind it in a black hooded sweatshirt, the hood pulled over his head.)

SETI: Anyone can make it anywhere, with a little bit of effort. Do you know what the most powerful force in this, or any plane of existence is?

(He pulled the hood down.)

SETI: The human will to act. The primal force inside every one of us that screams as loud as it can: I will not be denied. There is nothing that exists or ever will exist that can extinguish this.

And yet, the will to act is also the source of all weakness and derision; the voice that says I want this, but it's too much work. With a split second of the wrong kind of thinking, apathy and laziness can snuff the greatest potential.

(In one motion, Vizier brought the flat of his hand down - hard - on the candle, extinguishing it. After about half a second, a dim, indirect light brings him back into focus.)

SETI: Indifference is the greatest sin of all, as it promotes a lack of action. It is the crutch of those who can't be bothered to achieve greatness, and indifference will, ultimately, be what causes the downfall of civilization.

My opponent, Stephen Waltz, is indifferent. His will is weak and his silence insults me and insults this company.

This is a small organization. This organization will live or die, grow or wither, survive or starve based on the will of the collective to allow its life to continue. There are others who feel as I do: they and I will be at the forefront of this organization, shaping and guiding it to wherever its destiny lies. I can tell you, as things currently look to me, this will not include Stephen Waltz.


I have no use for those who do not possess sufficient strength.



Jan 1, 2000
The (Mis)Adventures of Terry and Stephen, Part UNO

(Fade in from black, and the scene is the home of “The Fallen Angel” Stephen Waltz; a modest apartment and bachelor pad situated in Eugene. The door bursts open and TERRY “THE IDOL” ANDERSON walks in. There’s a big grin on his face as he surveys the scene, and he isn’t quite in that midday intoxication mode... yet.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Oh yeah... nice place you got here, kid! This is gonna work PERFECTLY!

(Following him in is STEPHEN WALTZ, toting the IWF commentator’s baggage and wearing a neck brace, obviously a sign of damage done in his first major match back in the ring.)

Stephen Waltz
Where did you want your stuff, Terry?

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Oh, just set all that down in the bedroom. I’ll unpack later. Right NOW though...

(Waltz carries the suitcases into the other room as Anderson raids the kitchen cupboards. Every one he pulls open reveals cooking supplies or glassware or something else... and each produces the same grieving reaction from Terry.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Oh come on, baby, don’t hold out on me NOW!

(Stephen wanders back into his living room, gingerly touching at his neck.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Where’s the brandy in this joint, kid?

Stephen Waltz
Oh, I don’t keep any alcohol here...

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
WHAT?! Damn... we’re going to have to drive to the liquor store later. Ah well...

(He opens his jacket and pulls out his flask, taking a long swig.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Suppose I could tide myself over for a while. How about you, kid? You want a glass?

Stephen Waltz
Terry, I’ve been sober for two years...

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Oh come on, it’s just ONE drink! You already overcame alcoholism, kid, and believe me, it’s a real b*tch. I’ve seen family and friends alike destroyed by the bottle...

(Takes another long swig.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
But it’s not like ONE drink is going to cause you to relapse, is it? COME ON, kid! I just dropped down into town! Let’s CELEBRATE!!

Stephen Waltz
Uhh... okay, I guess.

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Now THAT’S the spirit!

(Terry grabs a small glass out of the cupboard and joins Stephen in the living room, where he pours him a glass. Stephen looks at the liquor with a gaze of apprehension... and yet, there’s a dark twinkle in his eye that says he wants it more than anything. Terry hands him the glass, carelessly filled to the brim.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Here you are, kid! Bottoms up!

(Waltz makes to drink, but has some difficulty with his neck brace.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
For the last time, kid, take that ridiculous thing off! It makes you look like a p*ssy!

Stephen Waltz
You sure, Terry? The doctor said it was a good idea to keep it on for as long as possible so that I’d be fully healed by the next match...

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Doctor schmoctor! Who are you going to listen to? Some old bat whose paid to give you an opinion, or me? The IDOL! The man who took you to the ring!

Stephen Waltz
Guess you got a point. I’ll take it off then...

(Waltz removes the brace and again gives the neck a light rub. He washes off any pain that might be throbbing back there by downing his drink in a single gulp. Terry also gulps away at his flask, falling into the couch.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Have a seat, kid... there’s something I want to say to you.

(Waltz joins him on the couch.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Look... it’s no secret your career’s been in a bit of a slump lately, what with the crash and the rehab and all that.

Stephen Waltz
Yeah... “slump” is probably putting it lightly.

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Don’t let it bother you, kid. It happens to the best of us. Besides, things are about to change for you. Seeing as how you were nice enough to open your home to a buddy who’s pretty down on his luck also, I’m going to help you make your comeback.

Stephen Waltz
Well, that’s a kind offer, Terry, but --

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
SAY NO MORE... and have another drink.

(Anderson tops off Stephen’s glass again. There’s seriously no bottom to his flask. Waltz looks like he’s about to protest, but something inside him forces him to hold it back as he watches the glass fill.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
I turned you into a professional wrestling sensation years ago, and I can do it again, kid! It just takes a man of my BRILLIANCE to put your talents in the right direction!

Let’s take a close look at your opponent this week...

Stephen Waltz
You watched his promos?

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
What? No! F*ck all that boring stuff. We’ve got a BETTER learning device!

(Anderson picks up the remote and turns on the TV, switching over to a random news channel. The report is covering increased violence over in Egypt.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
So this guy... Visor-toe Sega, or whatever... he’s an EGYPTIAN!

Stephen Waltz
Actually, I think he’s technically a United States citizen...

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Never mind that... he’s a SAND TROLL!! Once a sand troll, ALWAYS a sand troll! Just like Osama bin Laden, Saddamn Hussain, and Moleman Gaddafi! They’re ALL the same!

Stephen Waltz
…actually, they all came from different parts from the middle east.

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Again, NEVER MIND THAT! I’m trying to avoid specifics here, kid... for YOUR sake.

(Takes another swig.)

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
As you can see in the case of Egypt, people of Middle Eastern descent are by BLOOD a dangerous and foolhardy people!

Stephen Waltz
Are you sure about that Terry?

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Would I LIE if I didn’t believe it was the outright truth? These are dangerous people, capable of dangerous acts... sometimes in the name of terrorism! Your opponent? He’s no different! He’s a zealot... a fanatic... a man trapped in a single, stupid mindset: spread terror in the name of AHA!

Stephen Waltz
Do you mean Allah?

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Oh, is that the name? Damn, this whole time, I thought they were jihading for that 80’s synth pop band...

Stephen Waltz
Why in God’s name would ANYBODY jihad for the band that sang “Take Me On”?

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Snazzy song, and an equally snazzy video! When you live in the desert and everything is brown, a world of black and white pencil sketches seems pretty damn appealing!

Stephen Waltz
Okay... in that case, I should be the evil mechanics with wrenches?

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
You COULD... but they end up getting foiled. So does anybody who tries to meddle with Middle Eastern affairs. Those people are too damn crazy to be bartered with. So how do you deal with them?

Stephen Waltz
Not sure...

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
You leave ‘em alone! And when there’s nobody around for them to destroy, they end up destroying themselves! This is the knowledge you must take with you into the ring to overcome your opponent at Chain Reaction!

Stephen Waltz
Okay. So what you’re saying is, I should let Vizier ta Seti’s ambitions destroy himself, and he’d be doing to most of the legwork?

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
Exactly! Prove just what a MORON he really is! Then when the chance is ripe... BAM!! Idolizer off the top rope, and that’s all she wrote!

Stephen Waltz
Sounds impeccably easy...

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
And I’m impeccably thirsty! So how about it? You want to hit up that liquor store or what?

(Stephen mulls it over, looking at his glass again. Somehow, it’s empty once again.)

Stephen Waltz

Terry “The Idol” Anderson
AWESOME! Let’s go, I’ll drive!

(Terry stands up and wavers a moment, but like a man on a mission, he finds the door. Stephen follows him out. Outside, we can hear the car start and peel out. The sounds of garbage cans being tipped over, cats screeching, and other vehicles honking trails off down the road as we fade to black.)

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