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Go-Go Spectacular

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Handler Information

Name: Patrick M. Shutt
Email Address: pephphatha@gmail.com
Preferred Method of Handling: (Angle/Roleplay/Hybrid/Other/Don't Care) Primarily Roleplay but I am experienced in angle. I try to be versatile and go with the flow.
Best Way to Contact You: (Forum PM/AIM/Facebook/Email/other) I would say that the best way is Fwrestling instant messenger, but good old email works well for me.
eWrestling Experience: (What have you done? Where?) Efedding for roughly over 10 years off and on, kind of peppered throughout the net from Defiance, GXW, EPW, WWA, LAW, CSWA (those are the main efeds that I have been apart of. Handling a plethora and multitude of various characters
How did you find Defiance? I have been a member of Defiance in the past where I handled Nakita DuBov

Writing Sample Here's the thing. What we want here in Defiance is for you to sell us on you as a handler. How you do that is up to you. Link us to an old RP. Write a new one. Link to a match you wrote. Just convince us that you want to be here and that you're worth having here.

This is the most important part of your application. I'm serious about that.

(The scene opens in front of a house in El'Paso, Texas in summer time early evening. An all-too-familiar, but almost forgotten black with red trim 1965 Pontiac GTO pulls up in a driveway and stops. The door opens as one Angel Isabella Ramirez steps out, or how we may recognize her as one "The Latina Fire" Go-Go Spectacular. Her father is grilling steaks, hamburgers, and hotdogs on a grill. Her older brother Enrique is playing with his now four year old son. Her mother and Enrique are sitting on the porch sipping ice cold lemonade chatting.)

Enrique: "Look Benji, it's Auntie Angel. Lets go see her."

(The four year old gets excited and bounces up and down within his daddy's arms at the mere mention of his Aunt Angel's name. They approach Go-Go as she reaches out to hug her big brother and her nephew. She takes the enthusiastic four year old into her arms and hug and kiss him lovingly.)

Go-Go: "Hope I'm not late."

Enrique: "Nah, your right on time. No surprise there. Dad's almost finished with the first batch of food and not a moment too soon because Benji and I are hungry, aren't you Benji?"

Go-Go: "Is Maria coming?"

Enrique: "Of course, she's got to see her Godson, and of course you."

Go-Go: "I love how you named your son after her's and went as far as to name her and her husband the Godparents to Benji."

Enrique: "I figure it was the least I could do. I know that it will never bring Frankie back but how important it was for them and for you, plus my son looks like a Benji. Benji Franklin Ramirez. Just flipped around. So how is the college graduate doing now a days? My little sister, the Register Nurse, who was the valedictorian, we still loved your speech. Pap still plays that every chance he gets. He is so proud of you."

Go-Go: "Yeah, it's my way of giving back to those did so for me when I was going through everything. I will never forget the nurses, the doctors that took such wonderful care of a scared little three year old girl who may not live past her fourth birthday. It was the least I could do to be a blessing in that same regard to a scared little boy or girl who needs hope the same way that came to me.

Enrique: I know what you mean Angel."

Go-Go: "So do you think I will be able to pry pappi away from dinner later to ask something very important?"

Enrique: "Oh yeah, but I think that he already knows."

Go-Go: "Oh? What makes you think that?"

Enrique: "Because I know. Now that you've graduated and you have done so much, you want to get back into the ring and wrestle again don't you?"

Go-Go: "How did...how do you know?"

Enrique: "Because I see that look in your eye right now. I know what your thinking. It was the very same look the very first time you ever saw Eddie Guerrero wrestle Monday Night with me. It stops you dead in your tracks and you parked yourself right down on my lap and you glued to that TV. It was that same look that you had when you won the WWA Rising Star Championship, and believe it or not, despite the fact that you lost to Eric Dane in the first round of the Ultra Title Tournament, you still had that look in your eye. You love wrestling and you miss it. There is still much that you can still do and you know it."

Go-Go: "Yeah, lets just say that the words of my speech are still ringing in my head...no I take that back they have stained my soul and I want to heed my own advice. I want to create my own mark within the pages of pro wrestling history. I know that it won't be easy. Like the rest of my life it will hard. I want to take everything one step, one day at a time but when that time comes I want to become champion and hold the richest prize in the land and I have just the place to do it, in a little place called DEFIANCE!"

Enrique: "You know, that name sounds just like you and it epitomizes everything about you. I can't think of a better home for you than right there. But you know that Pap isn't going to object to you wanting to return to the ring."

Go-Go: "Still, it's always good to have his permission and blessing regardless."

Enrique: "And you'll get it. You deserve it Angel. You know that you've got my support. You'll get his. Now I've kept you long enough. Lets enjoy Pap's bar-b-que, and talk to him together. Plus you know Mom and Catalina and of course Maria will want to visit with you when she gets here."

Go-Go: "Yeah, I know. Besides I can't horde Benji all to myself."

Enrique: "Although your going to try."

Go-Go: "Of course. Aren't I Benji?"

Enrique: "Its good to see you home sis."

Go-Go: "Yeah it's good to be home."

Enrique: "Now come on, lets go talk to Pap."

(Go-Go and Enrique approach the rest of the family as the scene fades out.)

Wrestler(s) Information

Please take note of a couple things. It is highly likely that a few roster members will critique your moveset. Please don't be offended. We take that shit seriously here - we don't want a moveset full of finishers and a finisher so ludicrously over-elaborate that it couldn't be done in real life. This goes double if you're applying as a female wrestler. We also check to make sure your finisher(s) and theme song aren't currently being used. It's first come first serve when it comes to those. And if you're one of those handlers who hates doing movesets, just say so and Jeff will do it for you.

Real Name: Angel Isabella Ramirez
Ring Name: "Latina Fire" Go-Go Spectacular
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Weight: 135 lbs.

Hailing From: (This is where your character is introduced as being from) El'Paso, Texas

Alignment: (Heel or Face? You may not play a Tweener without special staff permission) Face

Gimmick: (Describe your gimmick. If your wrestler isn't heavily gimmicked then describe his/her persona.) Angel Isabella Ramirez, the girl behind the mask of THEN new 19 year old female lucha libra wrestler, Go-Go Spectacular, is a walking, talking, living, breathing, mircle of life and faith and perserverance both in the ring. When she was an infant, she was diagnosed with a rare heart condition that ultimately would have took her life sometime before where she would not see beyond her fouth birthday. She was born on borrowed time. Without a heart transplant she would of and not to mention even should they find a suitable donor even the risk of the operation itself was even too great. After being put on the high priority list to get this transplant. In a sad, tragic, twist of fate, a young boy died in a car accident but was a perfect match for young baby Angel. So the heart was removed and donated. Baby Angel did in fact survive the transplant operation and lived past her forth birtday. She grew up in El'Paso, Texas watching The Guerrero family on television there and said that she wanted to do that as child. Her father; a local wrestling coach, who taught lucha libra wrestling to under privileged children of the city, would give in and teach his young aspiring and driven daughter the fundamentals and traditions of the masked wrestling art. Angel was active all through school, learning martial arts and gymnastics along with her time doing wrestling to help hone her craft and versify herself in the ring. All the while working to maintain high grades in school. Upon graduating from high school, Angel would make the bold step to venture out to make it big as a professional wrestler. She was hired on by the famed World Wrestling Alliance (the WWA), and made an impact. She actually made waves when she was crowned the first ever Rising Star Champion at their pay-per-view Legacy. Sadly, the WWA closed shortly immediately after. However Angel is not relenting or giving up on her dream and is wishing to making it to the big time all while honoring the famed traditions of the mask and not faltering on her dreams of becoming a future world champion. She is driven and focused to succeed. Not forgetting her past but not dwelling on it either. Following the closing of the WWA, she did exactly that touring the independent circuit, working other various organizations, gaining experience and even protégé building her fan base. In 2012, she was invited in competed in the CSWA Ultra Title Tournament where she competed in the first round against Defiance Living Legend Eric Dane. Dane defeated and eliminated her with ease but she did what she could to take that experience and learn from her mistakes and keep on pressing forward.

She kept doing what she was doing by training, and used the funds she had acquired from the WWA, her various indy bookings, and of course from the CSWA Ultra Title Tournament, as it all went toward her education as she enrolled in the University of New Mexico, alma-mater of her wrestling idol, Eddie Guerrero further her education for life after wrestling getting her degree in Nursing and acquiring her RN (Registered Nurse) and BSN (Bachelor of Science) which is befitting because of all that she has been through in her life and how she can be help give back to those in need. Also she acts as that of a motivational speaker touring elementary and high school children.

However, despite all of that she was beginning to hear the call of the wrestling ring once again and after some soul searching and much contemplation she felt that it was time and that she had been out of the ring long enough. It was time for her to get back into the game...er I mean, the ring. So she began training and touring with the hopes that she could be picked up by the big leagues once again. With her heart, her passion, her determination, and most importantly her faith to guide her she was ready to come back and compete in the squared circle and hopefully her first and only stop is the Federation of DEFIANCE. If she can make it there, she can begin to carve her mark within the stones of professional wrestling history and create her own legacy. One that could be mentioned within the same breath and sentence as her hero, but maybe, just maybe to cast her own shadow to showcase her own immortality, but that is for another time. She is taking everything one step, one match, one day at a time, and doing whatever she must to learn all that she can. Now at 22 years old and with her future and potential legacy patiently awaiting for her, lets see where Go-Go will go from here.

Wrestling Style: (Tell us a little bit about what your wrestler does in the ring and the general psychology behind it.) Lucha Libra/Martial Artist

Three Weaknesses:

1) Although she has grown and filled out more and hit quite the growth spurt, still her size may prove to be a problem to mostly all male competitors and even some of her female competitors as well.

2) At 22 years old, even though she is more educated and wiser, she has been out of the ring a quite a few years and therefore remnants of ring rust may still be prevalent within her. As fast as she is, it could backfire and she could be prone to over shooting her target for a move.

3) The double-edged sword of the never say die/can't give up mentality. She hasn't quite grasped the concept of "quit now and live to fight another day". She fights with a chip on her shoulder and with something to prove that she will risk injury in order to keep fighting.

Three Strengths:

1) At 22 years old, she has a wisdom and a "wise beyond her years" mentality. Basically she is smart and aware of her surroundings and helps her to adapt on the fly.

2) She has a die-hard "take a licking and on ticking" attitude. She will hurt but she keeps getting up and keeps on fighting even when she shouldn't.

3) She is fast and agile. If she gets going, she will blur across the ring (Like Bruce Lee type of blur, make sure that you have the instant replay handy) and she turn on a dime.


Ten regular moveset moves:

1) Hurricanrana
2) Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault
3) Standing Moonsault
4) Over the top spinning neck breaker
5) Spinning Roundhouse kick
6) Van Dam split kick (Can be done as a desperation move when she might be getting double teamed in a tag match)
7) 915 (Basically a 619 but instead that is the El'Paso, Texas area code)
8) Shining wizard
9) Enziguri
10) Back cracker

2-5 trademark moves:

Move 1) "The Bullet Timer" A modified Jeff Hardy styled Whisper in the Wind Moonsault. Only its not a moonsault, but when she is irish whipped into the ropes, Go-Go scales/ runs up the turnbuckles like stairs to the top, jumps off, in mid air, hits a round house kick right into the incoming opponent. A defensive move for turning the tide of a match around back into her favor.

*Note: Instead of the roundhouse kick, she can also substitute and replace it with either a cross body or "The NewSplash" as well*

Move 2) "Skull Crusher" A series of hard knee shots to the mid section (usually about 3-6-sometimes 10 if she feels the need.) leading into a stiff, hard, Ace Crusher/Stunner.

Move 3) "The NewSplash" A RVD style 5-star frog splash

Move 4) "The BKE" (Best Kick Ever) An AJ Styles Pele kick

Move 5) "The Cutting Edge" An Undertaker old school walk on the rope into a diamond cutter.

1 Finishing Move: "The E-F-5" (A springboard off the ropes into a catching Tornado DDT)

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move (Optional) "The G-Spec" (A Jack Evans styled 720 Splash)
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League Member
Apr 12, 2008
I'm... on the fence.

I couldn't help but notice that Go-go hasn't aged since Ultratitle 2012.

But here's the thing. When you were in DEF last time around, I spent about an hour with you on AIM trying to help you figure out why you weren't really getting over and building momentum. And you repaid that by giving us the silent treatment quit - as I recall you found Backstage too complicated and gave up?

Gogo's awfully small. We have two women on the roster. Lindsay Troy outweighs Gogo by 50 lbs. Claira St. Sure outweighs her by 30, plus CSS is specifically billed as being fighter-muscular.

And "Shining Wizor"... seriously? It's called a shining wizard. It's in Wikipedia

Plus now I'm noticing a bunch of places in the app where you screwed up your gender pronouns.

I'm going to be blunt. Defiance is the sort of place where you have to pay attention and not make sloppy mistakes. We've got a pretty full roster, had a few bad experiences with duds, and you're going to need to be able to work with us if this is actually what you want to do. Age her up to 21, maybe acknowledge that the person she lost to in Ultratitle2012 happens to be the person that owns Defiance (if nothing else it gives her a jump-in point), add 10-15 lbs and an inch or two to her...
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Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
And understand that I'm going to very publicly and very loudly with much gusto and many headlines job the shit out of Go-Go when you flake out on us again.

Are you sure this is the place you wanna be?

And if it is, then by all means, Stand Up. Defy.


Jan 11, 2013
The Land of Cheese
* Too small
* Too young (why don't you update your character?)
* I could kinda see it in a Rey Jr. in his prime kind of way.
* Go-Go could feud with the other tiny dude that joined.
* DEFIANCE is all angle, you would need to hold your end on matchwriting, etc etc, no roleplays, we have em, but they don't mean nothing and don't count for nothing. Soooo nobody does them anymore.

Bubba McCoy

League Member
Nov 29, 2012
I like the idea, some of the things said probably should be acknowledged. characters age and things change.

If you work with the above suggestions.... I vote yes.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
I edited and tweaked my application, and even re-wrote my sample my rp so that it was more up to date with where Go-Go is today. I did my best to take all the advice and suggestions into consideration to the very best of my ability. I hope that this new application shows.

I guess with the age, I was thinking of make her have the Peter Parker syndrome where she could remain 19 despite everything she had. That was an error on my part. Normally I take stuff like that into account but maybe I was just being lazy. For that I apologize.

In response to "flaking out" and falling off of the grid the first time around in Defiance. I do want to say that I humbly apologize for my behavior in the past. I think that the bottom line is my heart wasn't in efedding like I thought back at that time. I guess with the issues with the backstage account I think that was my way of saying that I done efedding at that time. I had hit a wall and I was frustrated and I just took the backstage issue as my way of turtling up and disappearing.

But then, I had this idea for this character, Go-Go Spectacular because I really do like efedding. I was just burned out, and I created her going back to the that time in 1998 when I started watching wrestling again. I remember watching Monday Night Nitro and being stopped dead in my tracks at the cruiserweights of that era I was like "WOW! I don't remember watching wrestling when they were doing this?" And it hooked me. Created Go-Go was that return to the basics of why I love wrestling. I wanted to take a character that I could build completely from scratch and work my way from the ground up from nothing to champion. Taking the pitfalls, the losses, and just telling the story.

Now things have changed with Defiance, with fantasy wrestling in general. It is not the same. I am used to rping, and I hope to unlearn and relearn what I am used to. Strip down and rebuild. I am not trying to go for trying be over or get the championship right away. It is all about telling the story.

My goal is to just take everything step at a time and progress naturally. And in turn I hope to add more fun to this efed than hopefully it is. I want to start slow and climb the ladder like everybody else. I hope that I can do that.

Now if you want to decline me, I understand, there are no hard feelings. This is your fed and you have that right. But if you will have me I will do best and work to the very best of my ability. That is all I can do. But I don't want to dive right in. I want to take my time and tell Go-Go's story. I hope that my re-worked application shows something.

In close, let me say this. If, even after all of my work in redoing my application is still not snuff, or you feel that I am not a good fit within the Defiance efed organization and you do decline me. I understand completely but I hope that you will at least recommend a good efed that can be best utilize all of my talents and that I may be a good fit for. But if you feel that there is a place for me I will do whatever I can not to let you down.

Thank you for your time.

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Jan 1, 2000
I find it interesting that this character was allowed in the WWA, a fed notorious for its "all dudes, no women wrestlers allowed under any circumstances EVER EVER EVER" policy. I remember the owner pitching a tremendous bitchfit on the PTC forums about it. Maybe they relented toward the end of their run because you handled a tag team of guys there, who knows, but beyond my finding it interesting I'm not giving it much thought nor do I care to know more.

The application here in DEFIANCE, though. In the interest of full disclosure, I've been in feds with Patrick before and I've seen this story played out on repeat for years so it's hard for me to remain objective. I tried to remain objective when Steve apped the Osaka Street Cutters and nobody's really sure what happened to him except he hasn't checked in since July 19.

Here's what I'll say about this:

- Like Jake did when he applied, Patrick took character criticism to heart and re-did Go-Go's application and I have no problem pointing that out.
- But, I don't know if she's 21 or 23 because the age shows up differently throughout the re-worked app.
- New writing sample is still meh content-wise and riddled with grammar errors.
- There's contradiction between the strengths and weaknesses that needs clarification.
Move 3) "The NewSplash" A RVD style 5-star frog splash with a double middle finger pump flash in mid air

(She won't always use the middle finger taunt in mid air. Only whenever she is enraged and in an intense feud with a fierce rival heel. She won't do the taunt to a face she presently fighting)
- ^^^I just.... noooooope.
- Patrick, if you want to be here you need to be here and be committed to writing this character and making the most of a potential second chance. I will no-vote any thought of Dubov or Dahaka or whatever her name is this week being written instead of, or alongside, Go-Go now or in the future.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Pat, the more they say they don't want Nakita Dubov, the more I think...they really want Dubov.

Give them the Dubov.


League Member
Aug 19, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
I'm not sure when the WWA (which I assume is referring to the WfWA) had a "no girls allowed" policy, but it wasn't in place in my time (circa 2002-2006) since I managed to win a World Title playing as "The Red Angel" Misty Xiao.

This character -- Go-Go Spectacular -- in and of itself is interesting enough; I don't think I've seen a masked female Iuchador before. That said, I agree with the others who worry about your grammar and overall writing quality, and there are internal inconsistencies in the bio. The whole "middle fingers frog splash" thing feels out of place for an otherwise baby face character.

My advice is to take some time, read a couple of recent cards to get an idea of where the fed is at in terms of storytelling and writing quality, and try to figure out where Go-Go might fit, who would be natural friends/foes for her, etc.


Jan 1, 2000
I'm not sure when the WWA (which I assume is referring to the WfWA) had a "no girls allowed" policy, but it wasn't in place in my time (circa 2002-2006) since I managed to win a World Title playing as "The Red Angel" Misty Xiao.

The WWA I mentioned was a PTC-affiliated fed for awhile, Ken. Not the same place you were in. :)


Andy Murray might see a familiar face on their roster...

This character -- Go-Go Spectacular -- in and of itself is interesting enough; I don't think I've seen a masked female Iuchador before. That said, I agree with the others who worry about your grammar and overall writing quality, and there are internal inconsistencies in the bio. The whole "middle fingers frog splash" thing feels out of place for an otherwise baby face character.

My advice is to take some time, read a couple of recent cards to get an idea of where the fed is at in terms of storytelling and writing quality, and try to figure out where Go-Go might fit, who would be natural friends/foes for her, etc.

I agree with everything else here.


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
When DEF1.0 ended, the remainder of the DEF roster emigrated to that WWA, I think that may be where Pat found out about us? Either way, it worked out so badly that it inspired Justin to reopen DEF.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Yeah, Lindz, I remember those days of the WWA's long standing policy of "all men, and no female characters allowed". I remember the ongoing controversy that surrounded it. For the longest time I actually myself and a few others tried to advocate them ratifying that rule time and again but to no avail as there were some "iron clad" individuals that held true to that.

Toward the end of the WWA's run when were struggling to keep it open and through the revolving door of fed heads that came and went they actually did remove that rule mainly because they needed the characters and the members and didn't want to staunch and restrict creativity. I tried to be a trend setter and took full advantage of that. It is weird how my female characters we more over and more successful than my male characters and as a result I had fun playing those type of characters.

The age thing, I was just trying to take into consideration for the absence from the business as she was trying to further her education and it just made sense for her character as a whole that she would become a nurse and give back to the profession that did so much for her. Forgive my bad math. I was just trying to take into consideration for the time it took to complete an tenure of college or university. Since then I am trying to edit as I go.

I am somewhat of a creature of habit and old habits do in fact die hard for me. I do unlearn and relearn. Sometimes it takes time.

As I said before I am in no hurry of diving head first into Defiance. I want to get a feel for everything and find if this really is the right fit for me. I need to be able to wean myself out of the all roleplaying style fed and transition to the Defiance way of efedding.


League Member
Aug 19, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
Thanks to all for correcting me on this WWA business. You'd think I would know by now there are only so many letters of the alphabet to go around, and there are bound to be more than one fed with the same initials. :p

Also, one more comment for Patrick: I find it odd that you've gone out of your way to tell Angel's full backstory and real name, and yet you want to saddle her with a fairly ridiculous (not to mention un-lucha-sounding) ring name like Go-Go Spectacular. Why not just go with "Latina Fire" Angel Ramirez?


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
You mean this chick isn't Japanese?

I half-voted maybe predicated on the fact that there's no way this isn't a Japanese gimmick.

Do you even Kill Bill Vol. 1?



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Thanks to all for correcting me on this WWA business. You'd think I would know by now there are only so many letters of the alphabet to go around, and there are bound to be more than one fed with the same initials. :p

Also, one more comment for Patrick: I find it odd that you've gone out of your way to tell Angel's full backstory and real name, and yet you want to saddle her with a fairly ridiculous (not to mention un-lucha-sounding) ring name like Go-Go Spectacular. Why not just go with "Latina Fire" Angel Ramirez?

I don't know. You raise a good point. I never thought of that. I just thought that it was a cool enough word to call her.

I guess in my mind, or even in her mind (character wise) even though she is a female lucha-libra wrestler. I guess she was thinking that by saddling her up with a name like Go-Go Spectacular that it could be a good, multi-cultural, name to market that hopefully would not restrict her in certain indy wrestling territories.

But come to think of it, Latina Fire Angel Ramirez works too because if is her name, and is connected to that of her wrestling idol. That is something to consider.

Also that the thing that I was thinking of is with the name, the mask it would be a separation of her as a person.

I remember that I played her in one fed where she pretty much in a sense played two personas. There was the face persona which was Go-Go Spectacular and then there was her heel alter ego which I called her No-No Notorious.

Now this wasn't one of those duality type of gimmicks like I did with Nakita DuBov/Dahaka. She was Angel Ramirez, when she played Go-Go, she was Go-Go and it was for like that of catering to the kids, when she was No-No, it was more to hook hardcore rabid wrestling fans I guess you could say. Because of her youth, it was actually her exploring and finding her own path. It was a fun little experiment that I was doing.

Again, that is the beauty of playing a character like Go-Go is that I am trying to build her from the ground up and progressively evolve her naturally.

But again, you raise a valid point. In my rp that I had just written, I used her real name. There is no real mystery. But then again maybe there never meant to be a mystery to her. I just want to do my best to make an intriguing and multi-faceted character that can be potentially molded into an immortal legend (so to speak) Watching her bloom from the ground up. That is all that I want to do with playing Go-Go/Angel.

I hope that this makes sense. I try to make everything clear but sometimes what I am trying to get across doesn't always translate well to everybody.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
You mean this chick isn't Japanese?

I half-voted maybe predicated on the fact that there's no way this isn't a Japanese gimmick.

Do you even Kill Bill Vol. 1?


LOL...No this isn't a Japanese like gimmick, and I am a huge fan of Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, and would love to see a Volume 3 made sometime within the next few years because I love QT-he is my hero.

Keep in mind, she is a Latina-American. She, herself was born in El'Paso, Texas. I guess I see her like Rey Mysterio or Eddie Guerrero. She is a cross multi-cultural individual that can reach many masses like them. A strong female character that has fought for every breath, every heartbeat of her entire life and that each and one is a gift from God otherwise she would never be alive up to this point. I mean that is how I view her whenever I created her.

I hope that makes sense.

Bubba McCoy

League Member
Nov 29, 2012
I do like the fact that you keep taking all the input / feedback/ suggestions, and re-tweek things, a few times to be honest, from what I can tell.

And you have done so with a good attitude, To me that's a plus.

So I do have some ideas of my own to assist you with a incoming angle, if the rest vote yes that is.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
In regards to people questioning how I did the strengths/weaknesses of Go-Go/Angel. My thinking was that of kind of a two sides of the same coin. So that she has valuable traits that classify as strengths but to lets say a more seasoned veteran such as Dan Ryan or even Lindsey Troy would see that those same strengths can also work as he weaknesses sort of thing. So if she has a strong determination and fortitude to take a licking and keep on fighting even though she shouldn't.

By no means am I trying to say that she is Super Go-Go (I.E. Super Cena) but she will try and get back up and keep on fighting even if it might be a losing battle. Bottom line, if her little self gets hit with a Dan Ryan humility bomb, she is staying down. Her heart and her soul might be saying "get up" but her mind and her body are going "hell no". Lay down and fight another day.

That was what I was trying to convey with my strengths and weaknesses but maybe once again that got lost in the translation that was my mind. I appreciate any further feedback on this matter as provided. I am trying to do what I can to stick to the core what I have in mind for Go-Go but at the same time I don't want to forsake wise council that comes my way in order to make her the best character that I can.
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