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JA vs. Sebastian Dodd vs. Jonathan Marx


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Eve of Glory

::Marx is standing on the roof of the arena around midnight, hitting golf balls off the roof and into the parking lot in order soothe his nerves before Wrestleverse I begins, Jacobs is sitting in a lawn chair, watching Jay’s latest interview on his computer::

JONATHAN MARX: It is a beautiful night, isn’t it? It is almost like the heavens know what a special night WrestleVerse is going to be with the weather as wonderful as this. How are ticket sales going?

BRANDON JACOBS: The tickets sold out this morning.

JONATHAN MARX: Good, when this is all over, I am going to spend some time in Hawaii resting up. Call up Samantha Brown and do some island hoping.

BRANDON JACOBS: This has been a busy couple of months, the Empire PPV, the Ultratitle finals coming up, and even New Era has a PPV coming up in awhile.

JONATHAN MARX: Don’t forget my duties at a color man in WFW.

BRANDON JACOBS: You know, if you keep on going on like this, one of these days you are going to burn out.

JONATHAN MARX: One of these days, I am going to slow down, but I am still young enough to do everything I want so I am going to do it for as long as I can. That is what my father and godfather did. So, do you miss Holly not being around?

BRANDON JACOBS: As selfish as this is to say, I just wish they would vote her off already. The night before she left, I finally got up enough courage to ask her out and we had a wonderful walk down the pier together under the moonlight. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I really think she could be the one Jonathan.

JONATHAN MARX: You have suffered enough in your lifetime, if anyone deserves some happiness, it is you.

BRANDON JACOBS: I keep on telling myself that. It is so difficult growing up Irish Catholic, my mom raised me to respect the laws of the church, I have so much guilt within me.

JONATHAN MARX: Why would you feel guilty? It was just a walk on the…. OH!

BRANDON JACOBS: We both had a little too much to drink and things were just so perfect. It was all like it was something out of a romance novel except I look nothing like Fabio.

JONATHAN MARX: Did you take the necessary precautions?

BRANDON JACOBS: The possibility hadn’t even entered my mind when I left.

JONATHAN MARX: What happened to that boyscout mentality you had when you were younger?

BRANDON JACOBS: If that is a setup for a Beau Michaels joke, I am not going to walk into it. I had thought that worse comes to worse that she would take care of it.

JONATHAN MARX: Now that you have your Survivor money, you have to watch these things or you could end up like Shawn Kemp fathering a small village.

BRANDON JACOBS: Don’t worry about that, if Holly gets pregnant, that would be my first.

JONATHAN MARX: Do you mean you never….

BRANDON JACOBS: I told you I am Irish Catholic. I don’t do things like that. I was saving myself for when I got married. It is sort of like what happened with you against Dodd. You could have brought out your bodyguard Domovoi as protection but you decided to go it alone.

JONATHAN MARX: Whenever I am around Domovoi though, he reports everything back to my godfather Wink and then ultimately to my dad. He was a gloried babysitter and boring to boot. Thankfully when the NFW East began, management loosened restrictions and let me bring you in otherwise I would have gone insane talking to that half wit sort of like our brother Jay here.

BRANDON JACOBS: So, what do you think your chances are of walking out of the match with the title?

JONATHAN MARX: As Jay winning the intercontinental title and you getting lucky with Holly show, miracles can happen.


JONATHAN MARX: I kid, although she is a ten and if you know what is good for you, he’d tie her down before she wises up. But as I was saying, despite all of my experience, despite all of the battles I have been in…. I know that Dodd and Jay are going to give me the fight of my life at WrestleVerse and I am going to have to be at my best to beat either one of them. Whatever issues Dodd has with Jay, Jay is one of the most talented wrestlers today and while Dodd may not like how Jay got to where he is today, he is making a big mistake by discounting all that he has accomplished.

BRANDON JACOBS: Both men seem like they are letting their anger and general dislike for each other take over instead of using their head.

JONATHAN MARX: When you underestimate your opponent or let your anger take over, you are setting yourself up to make the fall. As the match goes on, their battle is going to get even more heated and that is when I have to make my decision to finish one of them off.

BRANDON JACOBS: Oh dear, another interview with Dodd has just been posted. Dodd seems to take exception to the fact you called him Young Mister Dodd.

JONATHAN MARX: How do I put this, The best wrestlers in the world come this circuit with Empire Pro, World’s Finest Wrestling, NEW, NFW, CSWA in order to prove that they are the best of the best, That is why guys like Jay and Beast came over from A1E in order to get the recognition that they truly deserve. I am sure Dodd faced talented wrestlers wherever he came from, but this place has a rich history which dates back to when wrestling first debuted on the Prodigy Channel back in 1990. The wrestlers you see here are second and third generational such as myself and come from a tradition richer than any other in all of wrestling. I am by no means underestimating Dodd ability, but in the relative scheme of things, he is still inexperienced and I am glad that a wrestler such as himself came here to prove that he really is the Almighty Dodd because he has a world of ability and by no means am I underestimating him.

BRANDON JACOBS: Dodd is relatively new, he doesn’t know the history.

JONATHAN MARX: That is why as a teacher I have to inform young Mister Dodd about the long history that this circuit is based on so he fully appreciates whatever success he winds up having in Empire. It isn’t his fault though, so many younger people are ignorant of history. They don’t realize all of the people who have come and gone which have built this place.

BRANDON JACOBS: That is why you have to win and set a good example for guys like Dodd and Jay so they pass on our history to the new generation.

JONATHAN MARX: That is what the old school revolution is all about, combining the best parts of old and new in order to make wrestling better and stronger for tomorrow. History isn’t obsolete, it is the key to the future and we must look to it in order to succeed like our forefathers did and in Denver at WrestleVerse in our three way match for the Intercontinental, we are going to steal the show and show the world that old school wrestling is still alive and well and I am going to bring the title back home in order to restore the once shinning legacy it has and make the title that every wrestler dreams of holding. This is my destiny and I will be the leader the revolution.



League Member
May 15, 2004
[Fade in:
Denver, Colorado
We pick up outside of Sebastian Dodd's dressing room, where the camera pans in on Kenny Lombardo. He looks at the door, and knocks...moments later, the door pops open, and Lombardo enters, Dodd is dressed in his ring gear, getting ready for the big match at WrestleVerse.]

"Can I help you Mr. Lombardo?"

"You can...I was coming to see if you'd caught what John Marx had to say?"

"I can tell you that I haven't. I've been getting ready for the match, haven't had a chance to check out his latest offering..."

"Well then, let me tell you some of the things he said, and you can respond..."

"Let's make it quick, I'm not out to make you look like an @sshole or anything, but I've got to get focused on this one."

"OK. Well, Marx said that you're focusing too much on how JA got where he is, and ignoring the fact that he's a hell of a wrestler."

"Maybe. Maybe not. I said in my last segment, that I may look like I underestimate my opposition, but I'm always well aware of what they bring to the table. Just because I say JA doesn't deserve to be where he is, doesn't mean that I don't think that he's capable of getting there."

"OK...well he also said that you're overlooking the history of EPW, that it's not all EPW, that what this company is today is founded by the groundwork of other federations."

"Heh, that's true. Listen, I've got a background of Irish, English, and German. But the fact is Kenny, I'm American."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"The point Lombardo, is that while EPW is made up of it's history, and it's important not to forget where it came from...

It's also not relevant to this match, or any other one. EPW is EPW. That's what matters to me, that's what should matter to everyone who comes in this doors. I don't care about any other initials right now other than SD and EPW. Those are first, and those are foremost. Save the history for legends night. Not for telling me that I don't measure up."

"Well, what about the fact that Marx says that very history is the key to future success? What about the fact that he wants to lead a new wrestling revolution."

"Maybe for him it is. Maybe he needs to look at everyone who came before him, and take what they did, and what they didn't do to make him better. More power to him.

But I've said since day one Seb Dodd doesn't put alot of stock in the past. If I did, I'd be bringing up how Marx with The World Champion as his partner couldn't put ME down. Or I'd be bragging in EACH and EVERY promo that the Karelin Driver took more out of JA than it did out of me.

And while I might give those things occasional mention. I don't put stock in either one. Because I'm smart enough to know two things. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it...but by the same token...those who DO learn from it...and DON'T repeat it will never give a chance to see if it was a fluke, or if it was a repetitive function."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's go to that Karelin Driver thing...as an example. History would dictate that that move isn't enough to beat Sebastian Dodd. Does that mean JA should never try it on me again?


That's his bread and butter, and he should hit me with it as many times as he possibly can. And maybe one of those times it somehow shocks the world and sticks me down for a three count.

And by the same token, just because some great Canadian technician couldn't go toe to toe with John Marx...

That doesn't mean that Seb Dodd shouldn't try. Because I want to show that I can break the mold. I want to show that I can defy convention, blaze a new path, and break the mold...

I don't want to live by history, I don't want to learn from it, I don't want to repeat it...

I want to CHANGE it.

I want to rewrite the books on wrestling history, the ones that say such and such is the best technician ever. The ones that say this guy couldn't hold this guy's jock. I want to be the guy that everyone can point to universally and say..."That man...THAT was a wrestler."

And if I can't go outside the box, if I do a paint by numbers bullsh!t promo like JA just to have those people out there eating out of the palm of my hand...then that's never going to happen.

You can't lead a revolution being a slave to history. Marx is going to learn that first hand at WrestleVerse.

EPW. Intercontinental Championship. I'm going to stamp my name firmly in the annals of those great institutions, and it's going to be one step in a long journey...

I'm going to change the face of this industry...and I'm going to start it...at WrestleVerse."

"Sebastian...thanks for the time, and good luck tonight."

"Thanks Kenny...I appreciate the well wishes...but you can save them for someone who needs them."



I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA

::Marx is backstage in his dressing room as the crowd is starting to file in. Marx is laying down on a leather coach while Jacobs is sitting a desk watching the latest promo by Dodd::

BRANDON JACOBS: Dodd keeps on bragging about avoiding the pin in the tag match against you and Beast.

JONATHAN MARX: Why would Dodd of all things brag about that? Dodd seems bright, but all that proves is that Dodd couldn’t keep his partner from being pinned when the chips were all on the line and if that happens in our match tonight, I beat Jay and walk out with my Intercontinental Title belt. Is Dodd going to walk out of our triple threat match happy if he doesn’t win the title but avoids taking the pin? No, no he isn’t.

BRANDON JACOBS: That doesn’t seem like the brightest thing to point out before a triple threat match.

JONATHAN MARX: It all comes back to inexperience. When you point out your own weaknesses to your opponent, you are doing their own homework for you

BRANDON JACOBS: He also doesn’t seem to grasp how history has influenced this fed.

JONATHAN MARX: Maybe he should go and ask Mister Ryan and Christian Sands how GXW affected their careers. Maybe he should go ask Beast and Jay, the World Heavyweight and Intercontinental Champions, how A1E helped to make them into what they are today. This is the problem with the youth of America, they think they know everything and that they don’t have the need to do their homework. I am a student of wrestling, and as bright as I am, I am always watching or reading in order to improve myself as a wrestler because I want to make myself the best that I can be. That doesn’t mean that we have to be slaves to history repeating the mistakes of others, I always watching tapes from Japan and Mexico in hopes of discovering something new which I can beat my opponent with.

BRANDON JACOBS: You can’t let yourself get frustrated about this stuff.

JONATHAN MARX: ::getting angry:: It just makes me mad when I see people not living up to their potential because they are too doggone lazy to improve themselves. Imagine how good Dodd could be if he had a positive attitude about learning. It is all that foolish pride he has.

BRANDON JACOBS: Save this all animosity for Dodd for the ring and show him how much he has to learn. For as smart as Dodd thinks he is, he basically handed his arch nemesis the intercontinental title because he couldn’t time a chair shot properly.

JONATHAN MARX: ::hostile:: I had a ringing in my ears three days after that chairshot. That bastard Dodd wants me to respect him, he has ruined my title reign and cost us our singles match at the PPV because his god damn anger got the better of him. Why couldn’t he leave things well enough alone? If Jay was this incompetent that Dodd portrays, why not let me beat him instead of making everyone’s life even more complicated?

BRANDON JACOBS: He doesn’t know better.

::gets up off his leather sofa with an angered look on his face, lowering his voice, extending his hands forward in a choking motion::

JONATHAN MARX: Well he is going to learn better when I slap the Marxism on him and make him tap out… and if he is lucky, maybe I’ll let go when he still has a promising career to look forward to.


JONATHAN MARX: GET THESE CAMERAS THE HELL OUT OF HERE, it is time to do my talking in the ring.



League Member
May 15, 2004
[Fade in:
Denver Colorado
Pepsi Center...Seb Dodd's locker room. Dodd is ready to wrestle...waiting for the call to get to the ring.]

"We're moments away from the big event, so Marx, I'm going to make this quick.

I don't keep bragging about not being pinned in that match. Perhaps you should tell your friend Brandon to listen just a little bit more closely. I said I don't put much stock in that kind of stuff, or else I'd be bragging about it as opposed to mentioning it in passing.

And John, I'm not inclined to completely forget the past. But while Beast and JA and many others have had their careers molded by other federations bringing them here. That's wonderful, and I respect what those federations mean to establishing people today, and making them what they are.

What they are is what matters.

Where they are is what matters.

What they did where they WERE doesn't. Beast in A1E made a mark. And that mark may make him what he is today, JA the same, you where you've been makes you what you are. And that's fine, because you're a dynamite wrestler.

But it doesn't mean that any of those accomplishments mean anything here in EPW because they don't. Let your EPW accomplishments speak for themselves, because they are BUILT on the foundation that those other places created. I understand that. I respect that.

But it doesn't mean that you winning a championship somewhere else means you're going to win one here, because it DOESN'T. So yeah, when I tell you that NLW or whatever it is and A1E and Ultratitles don't mean a thing at this PPV, when I tell you that Sands and Beast and all the others that you've mentioned don't mean a thing in this match...

I mean it.

Because they don't.

What you've done against them has molded you. But it doesn't MAKE you, or entitle you to some kind of respect.

Who you are NOW does. What you've done in EPW DOES.

That is what I mean.

And you DO have my respect Marx.

And my anger may have gotten the better of me depriving us of our single's match.

That's a mistake I made.

I won't make that mistake again tonight. I owe you an apology for that.

And I'll give it to you by restoring your precious IC Title to the level it belongs at.

But I won't give you that apology by giving you the chance to do it.

That's MY shot.

MY Title.

MY opportunity.

And I WILL make the best of it."


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