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Post-Sweet Sixteen RP Period Prediction thread...


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
I feel like I just gave birth after the RPs I posted this morning. And I get to do it all over again when I write my NFW match, lol.

Big ups to Josh for going at me with mega firepower. Win or lose, you pushed me to write what I feel is some of my best material, even though it was a little risky and I could see people absolutely hating it, haha. Bottom line, I really enjoyed what you brought out of me, as I hadn't really been challenged to up my game like that during this tournament.

I'll make actual predictions once I get a chance to read all the threads. Somewhere off in the distance, I hear Katz's whip cracking, so I'm vanishing. PEACE!

Spike Saunders

Super Moderator
Oct 7, 2004
I'll make actual predictions once I get a chance to read all the threads. Somewhere off in the distance, I hear Katz's whip cracking, so I'm vanishing. PEACE!
Imagine that Pete stole the whip :)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Ok. Maybe if I do this, other people will feel more comfortable and will join in!

NOTE: This is the first time that I'm reading everyone's RPs. So forgive me if I don't quite catch the story if you've been building one up through the rounds.

JOEY MELTON vs. Jeff Andrews

- Obviously Melton wins. Not sure what happened to Andrews here.. pulls out a huge victory over Stevens and then disappeared. Apologized 8 days before RP deadline for not posting .. posted one or two things between then and deadline. Steve didn't even double-up.. so he had the opportunity.

CAMERON CRUISE vs. Spike Saunders

- Wow .. I forgot that Saunders had not only beaten Zero, but also Cobra, too. But, unfortunately, I wasn't thrilled with the RPs he posted this round. The 2nd RP, which Cruise hammered him on, was more chit-chat between Michael/Lexi.. and even though I LOL'ed at Saunders knocking Michael out "again," it didn't seem like an RP that should be for the Sweet Sixteen. Then, in trying to salvage things, Saunders' third RP acknowledged that the 2nd could be considered lacking. Cruise's RPs were fine. I mean, he kept pushing the whole height/weight thing doing moonsaults or whatnot .. which I think sorta lost its zip. Harping on one thing too long. BUT, I think Cruise pulls it out.

ORPHAN vs. Pete Whealdon

- First off, I absolutely hated the Laura/spitting into mouth scene. I dunno. You put in that she didn't bite or fight, etc... but it just rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't particularly fall in love with either side's 1st RPs. Whealdon's first, aside from the aforementioned scene, opened too slow for me .. I really enjoyed the middle .. but then hated the end. Orphan's first was just too long that I started blurring sentences together. Second RPs, Whealdon's once more went on setting up scenery.. but there was very little sentence fluctuation. Every sentence was short. It made things choppy. Like I was five years old. Learning how to read. Orphan hits back at his 2nd RP with a straight-to-the-point response that cut Whealdon down, imo. Third RPs from both were really good .. Whealdon had a better 3rd set, IMO .. this should be a fantastic match, so good luck to both.

ANARKY vs. Castor Strife

- Anarky's third was boring. But his first two were great. Strife's second one had me scratching my head... and then just annoyed me. I did like the comparison of Anarky to a needy/stalker "Why Won't You Talk To Me?" ex-GF in his third as well as picking up on 'Nark's downplaying his talent.. I LOLed. I didn't bother reading the fourth, because it was a 3-RP max .. and f*ck that sh*t. There were glimpses of the Castor that I love in the third RP ... I just wish I saw him more in the first.

Sean Edmunds vs. Eli Flair

- Man, did Eli Flair suck or what? Just kidding. :)

KIYOMORI vs. Kendall Codine

- This was actually a really tough choice for me. There were RPs from both that I really liked, and aspects from the RPs that I disliked. For Codine, I liked the 2nd RP the least. It degenerated into a point-by-point rebuttal it seemed like. For Kiyomori, the first RP was the weak-link. I think both third RPs were adequate, with Codine's probably leaving more of an impression.. BUT, overall, I felt like Kiyomori came out of this RP battle more successful.


- I loved Deacon's 2nd RP. BUT .. his first two RPs seemed more like idle chatter than relevant promos. The 2nd one felt like an interview on the radio .. but there was a lot of asides that I just felt were adding to length rather than to the match? Then we got to the third, which FINALLY feels like an honest-to-goodness tournament RP. I think Sagawa though gave two really well-thought out RPs that hit Deacon hard.. once again, another really hard to choose match .. but when I finished reading all the RPs ... I just felt like Sagawa did more w/ his 2 than the 3 from Deacon.

JACK HARMON vs. Pat Gordon, Jr.

- I wish Harmon's first RP was more substantive. The first half of it could be chopped off and no one would even know... it could be put on any RP in the past or future and very few people would know that it was part of the UT2012. It's like "La, la, lah, lah, lah ..." .... Oh, we're halfway through the RP .. Congrats on beating Windham! "UT RP commence." PGjr comes out with a biting promo that just lets loose. No clutter, no filler. Straight up UT promo. But Harmon's second and third RPs seal the deal. Wish Ernie could have gotten onto the net more .. but the power outage killed him (and maybe Andrews, too) .. Harmon's 2nd RP fought back .. finally no artificial filler .. and then the third was also good .. but really, I think Harmon had this based on his 2nd RP.

... there we go. Now. YOU, yes, you reading this ... do your own.


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Here goes!

Joey Melton
over Jeff Andrews, 10-0
No-show from Andrews. Ho-hum.

Spike Saunders over Cameron Cruise, 6-4
This could go either way, but Spike got me to legitimately laugh a couple times (BOOM HEADSHOT), plus a slight edge for posting first. I'm not a big fan of RPs where "you let other people talk FOR you, therefore you suck" is a talking point; there were probably better ways for Cruise to handle Saunders's second RP. Spike's character felt a little more fleshed out, where I thought Cruise might have been doing more "reacting".

Orphan over Pete Whealdon, 5-5 (the closest match of the round)
Geez, these guys brought some serious stuff. Whealdon's Stockholm Syndrome-affected woman was an interesting way to approach some of the challenges Orphan's character history presents. This was countered by Orphan when, in the third RP, he transformed back into Seymour, as this was Seymour's fight rather than Orphan's; it really put together the duality of his character in a cool way. Both storylines were compelling and entertaining. What puts this *slightly* over the edge to me for Orphan is overall style; I feel like his writing flows better and features fewer editing mistakes. Would not be surprised if this goes the other direction, because both guys put up some seriously inspired stuff. This is 5.1-4.9 territory in my mind, and I can't emphasize enough that I have no idea who's winning this one.

Castor V. Strife over Anarky, 5-5
This is another tough call that could go either way. I'm glad the hockey thing was dropped after the first couple RPs, because that's when things started getting better from both handlers. I do think Anarky had the much better start in this battle and had a clear edge after his second one was posted. More could have been done with his third RP, though admittedly he had a limited amount to work with when Strife hadn't posted. I have not read Strife's 4th RP, as I didn't want it impacting my thoughts on this match, but I think parts 1-2 of his last burst were some of the more interesting reads of the match. In the end, I pick Strife for the old adage, "it's not how you start, it's how you finish", and I thought his finish was a bit stronger. After I post this, I might read the fourth RP - if it's on par with #2 and 3, he probably could have had an easier time in this one.

Eli Flair over Sean Edmunds, 6-4
Hard-fought battle and both guys put in a lot of work. Edmunds essentially quoting all the Challonge pre-tournament predictions was a unique idea, but Flair really crushed it in response (and thinking about it as well - I filled out one of those things, when I was brand new to the hobby and hadn't read any work from anyone in the field. My only bracket aid was listening to podcasts). Edmunds tried to hold onto that idea maybe a bit too long, and while he did his darndest to pull out as many stops as he could in his final RP, to me it wasn't enough to overcome Flair's earlier work.

Kendall Codine over Kiyomori, 6-4
This battle kept hitting the same notes over and over, which was a bit problematic. Kiyomori did this a bit more than Codine, and in a battle featuring lots of "I'm in your head" "you fool you're NOT in my head" "oh yes I am" "oh no you're not", I thought Codine's character and voice were more interesting to read.

Freddie Sagawa over Deacon, 6-4
This is tricky, because it brings up the old 2 vs 3 argument. To me, Sagawa's promos were on point and quite strong (and I REALLY wanted to see what would happen in a third RP with the camera still rolling at night! I expected something terrifying from Sagawa. A missed opportunity). Edit: Re-read Deacon's third RP, and I like it more the second time through. Originally I wrote that I thought it would fit better in the context of a hype RP - this should be applied specifically to the hanging-himself character. The stuff Deacon aimed at Sagawa, when it was fired off, was solid - though I wish at the end of Deacon's it didn't veer off to the non-UT story (or rather, I wish that this was something he could follow up on in another RP. It might reverse my vote).

Jack Harmon over Pat Gordon Jr., 8-2
Not only was this a 3 RP vs 1 RP situation, but Harmon kicked up the spice quite a bit when talking about how he is NOT High Flyer. The first and third RPs from Harmon were solid as well, so combining all these elements, Harmon wins or we riot.

Best of luck to all in the sweet 16. Though seriously, if there are more no-shows, someone needs to RP for that person and become "Fake Diesel" or "Fake Razor", even if it's in a losing effort.
Last edited:


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Here goes!After I post this, I might read the fourth RP - if it's on par with #2 and 3, he probably could have had an easier time in this one.

Don't bother, it's pure sh*t. I just posted it to be a dick. :)


League Member
Feb 24, 2009
Santa Monica
In the event of a no-show in the following rounds, I will be playing the part of fake-diesel. Whomever would like to tag team up with me as fake-razor ramon, should feel inclined to do so.


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
Drove to Chicago after posting my show segment, so I'm going to do this differently than when I was judging. I'm going to do these one at a time and only give one paragraph (as opposed to segment by segment) because I'm not a judge having to answer for anything and it's just my opinion. And, I'm only going to post one match at a time cause I don't have much time on my hands right now. SOOOO Since Sean had the guts to GO first, I'll post my thoughts of his RP battle:

Eli Flair vs. Sean Edmunds.

Eli’s opening foray was solid Eli. I love Ivy's handling of Sean's manager - great line (and Sean did have a good retort w/ the battery, but it was a pretty stinging initial volley against the valet). Sean’s first response seemed to miss Eli’s point to me. He went w/ labeling Flair as the underdog, or that Flair had labeled himself as such, but it didn’t read that way (at least to me). It may be Sean’s style though to take a phrase outta context and run w/ it. If so, he was in character. If not, it opened him up to a strong retort from Pete. Sean stayed on it, but not as long in his response. Anyway, good back and forth from both guys and I’m glad I don’t have to judge this group. One thing I didn’t like, and both guys did it, was the “42 experts” who then became smarks w/ an email address who then became… what? From my end, the first problem is the 42. So, we had a tournament of all the greatest wrestlers of the past 15 (or in Melton’s case, 35) years, and we had 42 people vote in a bracket? Wow – let’s kill the realism there, guys! I’m not sure how I would’ve angled it, but choosing the reality action didn’t work from either guy because… reality is that we’re writing a fictional wrestler in a real (ahem, creative writing) tournament for a fictional title w/ real people voting before anything is written. And that’s kinda sad if we didn’t LIKE IT SO MUCH! Now, I’d be afraid to even comment on bracket busters or anything of the sort. I might’ve downgraded the “experts” to “guys w/ an email address” because that could be realistic (everyone does brackets for March Madness), and if I were in Edmunds role, I would’ve said that Eli’s bracket reading was one of MANY across the internet – glad Ivy could find one of them. Left it at that, or even built an “expert bracket” that exists somewhere on ESEN or whatever, I dunno. But left the facts out. Cause this is fantasy. Taking facts and tilting them is fine, and I frequently enjoy it, but running w/ actual stats pulls back the curtain to reveal – just us.

OH - Enjoyed the video game thing he'd pulled off of fWo. Nicely done. Not as awe-inspiring as his handling of Phantom Republican but good nonetheless (the closer to the battle w/ PR was phenomenal). He always seems to do his homework and hit it outta the park at the end (the "I'm cool" bit awhile ago was great as well), though I'm not sold as much w/ this one as previous - still, it was clever so some bonus for that... I just wish he would've played off of it a bit better. Good idea, just barely touched on it after showing the video piece.

With all that said, I'd give a VERY slight edge to Eli pending a reading of the segments. I have the edge because of nothing more than an initial feeling and the fact that Pete took first shots and did fairly well. This was, to me, what Eli vs. Dane was supposed to be. Kudos to Sean for a solid job & in this case, I'm not counting against him. I can legit see this going either way.


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
Thanks for reading and rest assured, I'm not done w/ this. I'm hoping they'll post the segments we wrote, as this ongoing goes directly into the segment as Chris tries to deal w/ what's happened. Sorry if some don't like the mix of real life sorta stuff into it. This is my way of processing some things in my life and if you didn't like this, and I survive this round, it won't be going away anytime soon. In fact, we've just hit the crux of it for Deacon, Chris... and if I'm lucky, maybe me.


Here goes!

Freddie Sagawa over Deacon, 6-4
This is tricky, because it brings up the old 2 vs 3 argument. To me, Sagawa's promos were on point and quite strong (and I REALLY wanted to see what would happen in a third RP with the camera still rolling at night! I expected something terrifying from Sagawa. A missed opportunity). Edit: Re-read Deacon's third RP, and I like it more the second time through. Originally I wrote that I thought it would fit better in the context of a hype RP - this should be applied specifically to the hanging-himself character. The stuff Deacon aimed at Sagawa, when it was fired off, was solid - though I wish at the end of Deacon's it didn't veer off to the non-UT story (or rather, I wish that this was something he could follow up on in another RP. It might reverse my vote).


Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
Big ups to Josh for going at me with mega firepower. Win or lose, you pushed me to write what I feel is some of my best material, even though it was a little risky and I could see people absolutely hating it, haha. Bottom line, I really enjoyed what you brought out of me, as I hadn't really been challenged to up my game like that during this tournament.

Hey, no problem. I waited until the last possible second to avoid stacking but unfortunately, I was going off the grid this weekend so I had to post. I really detest stacking, as I feel I work much better when reacting to something, but hey, there's no crying on fantasy wrestling. Usually.

Good luck. ;-)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Ha, thank you for the feedback! I enjoyed reading your feedback throughout the other rounds and I *tried* to work on the stuff you pointed out throughout the tournament. Yea, that was Edmunds in character.. he takes small things and blows them up (for instance the entire "single-handedly carried VWF" thing .. Here's The Match, its in the initial post. first match .. Edmunds was on the outside the ENTIRE time and only snuck in the ring at the end lol..) .. When people call him out on anything, Edmunds accuses them of trying to re-write history. Just a quirk of the character. :)

And for the video.. you try finding a video at the last minute against Eli Flair! :p GOP and Jiles were simple to find **** on.. LOL!

The thing I was curious of .. I actually tried to temper the talk of the experts/predictions after my first RP .. did it not read like that? I didn't want to get bogged down in an RP battle arguing what an expert would be, etc. I figured I'd jab at him and try to move the argument elsewhere because, to me, it was just a single point in a single rp.. I was actually surprised how long it went on for... /glares at pete. :p


New member
May 28, 2011
Northeast, PA
Hey Guys -

For those of you that felt Sagawa deserved the win, I truly do appreciate it. I put alot into them, despite being extremely limited in my time online the past few weeks. No matter what happens, it was a pleasure mixing it up with Mr. Deacon.


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
Hey Guys -

For those of you that felt Sagawa deserved the win, I truly do appreciate it. I put alot into them, despite being extremely limited in my time online the past few weeks. No matter what happens, it was a pleasure mixing it up with Mr. Deacon.

Back at you. I'm hinging my bets on a segment to survive this round, which the fact I think I need it to move on says loads about how strong you are at this!

NOW! My next RP battle I read and covered is Orphan vs. Pete Whealdon. I chose it because Orphan's writer has been consistently rating and discussing RPs for others. I want to return the favor. As always, I hope this helps:

Orphan’s first RP had Solid, succinct descriptive work, quite the challenge to pull off. His main point was a threat to not bring women, or his woman, into it. Decent enough RP – not stellar, but clearly setting the boundaries within which Orphan plans to play (or at least make us think he’s going to play).

Pete’s initial paragraph was so uncharacteristic AND so good! It’s not what I’ve come to expect, but I loved how he used his words to make an impact w/o making it obvious he was doing so. In fact, I question if he even meant to word it so. It’s not your typical RP fare! For the most part, the writing (structurally speaking) was good, but it needs some polish. Positive for creativity – negative for grammar. And this is a pet peeve of mine – you are floating in each character’s POV. I HATE that. Now, to be sure, you’re doing well w/ it, but it still gives me whiplash when I realize I’m not in her head, I’m in his, and then back… and then back again. Not a good experience when I think she was doing a great job getting Mr. Moustache across! I took him as creepy before but this… EYUCK! Deac would have some fun w/ this guy!!! Anyway, mostly well written though the girl – she’s a freaking idiot!!!! In the next RP, you gave more history to her, but being bored doesn’t seem to work for me, personally. She’s an idiot and I would’ve liked to see more of WHY she degraded herself so readily. Was she poverty stricken and looking for a way out? Was she looking for acceptance? I dunno, but what you gave didn’t work. Again, largely well-written w/ the previous problems, but intriguing as I read.

Orphan’s first retort – I enjoy the internal monologue going while the external is on there. Horribly? Terribly? Incorrectly?... “Perfect” … Oh. LOVE THAT and wish I could get the hang of it myself, as it has all the good of prose style w/o being relegated to all the rules. One problem I found was in your description of Orphan crying, noting his imperfect makeup. Waiting so long was a missed opportunity. I would’ve noted it at the beginning, and then revealed why it was messed up at this point. You went on to do a decent RP. I’m not sure about switching to Seymour as a tact, but given you KNEW Pete would go the low road, I’m sure this was planned. But the switch seems not all that different in how I read him.

And the final Pete was strong as well. But man, you gotta take some time editing before posting. I really don’t like Pete, but you handle him well. He’s like a train wreck, repulsive, revolting, and able to draw a look like a moth to flame.

Want my biggest beef w/ this? Dude, I’ve read shorter novels! The 6 RPs took my over an hour. I’m a slower reader, and yeah, my dog was distracting me (as you all heard on one of the podcasts), but I’m willing to bet these RPs were averaging 5K plus.

For me, winner is tough and largely depends on the unseen show angle. My gut right now is Pete Whealdon because he DID impact Orphan, but I KNOW that’s what Orphan’s writer wanted. SO, Pete might’ve played into his hands IF Orphan plays it well in his angle section. I never remember a matchup so hinging on how an angle/segment goes, but w/ this one, it undeniably will.


League Member
Feb 24, 2009
Santa Monica
Thanks for all of the feedback. I was not aware that we were supposed to be doing segments for this round. I thought the idea had been scrapped after none of the previous ones were used?


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Thanks for all of the feedback. I was not aware that we were supposed to be doing segments for this round. I thought the idea had been scrapped after none of the previous ones were used?

We're supposed to be doing segments? That's news to me. Thought it was optional?


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
I apologize. I'm talking with the judges now.

According to Chad's post here : http://www.fwrestling.com/showthread.php?23216-Question-Round-4-Roleplay-Schedule, Chad mentioned 3 roleplays and a segment due for this round. I went by what I read in Chad's post, so I personally did a segment.

If Pete told people not to do segments, well, that's certainly a bit of a cross wire.

I'm fairly certain Pete told the judges not to bother with the segments. I know two of the judge's votes for sure were not impacted by the few segments we received. Both confirmed verbally with me over AIM that the segments they read did not factor in their choices. There's only one match that "could have been swayed" by a segment, but that vote was 6-4 from the third judge, so I REALLY doubt a segment swayed a whole point and a half.

So as of now, let's consider the segments null and void for this round since certain people were under the impression that segments were not being asked/required from handlers.

I'm going to talk to the third judge later today and see if that changes anything. But like I said, I doubt a 250 word segment made him go 6-4 in favor of one guy rather than 5-5 in favor of the other.

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