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Revenge of the Sith

Mad Dog

Original Gangsta
Jan 1, 2000
Alright, so who went and saw it at midnight on opening day last week...or am I the only one? When I got to the theater...I couldn't believe the line. But suprisingly, I got in before the previews.

I thought it was da bomb! I was just sad to see it finally be the end. I sure hope Lucas makes more of them, I'm sure the public will cry out for it.

I had to see it a 2nd time this week. I'll probably see it a 3rd time. I guess its hard for me to let go.

On a related note...

I hate my avatar. Why do I get the fat guy that dies in A New Hope? He only had like 2 lines. I am filing an official complaint. :eek:

- Mad Dog


Jan 1, 1970
I'm gonna be honest. I don't think it was that good. 2.5 star movie that prolly got a 1/2 star for the eye candy. I wish someone besides Lucas would've been the writer. Its obvious that he's really lacking.


If it weren't for the Mc's (Obi-Wan, Emperor) this movie really would've been horrible. I don't blame Christensen, but his lines were just awful sometimes.

The problem began when Lucas decided Episode I should be an 8 year old's kid movie, so he could hook a whole generation into Star Wars. I saw Return of the Jedi in the theatre when I was 6, and had seen IV and V already. I feel like if anything he cheated a younger generation.

I don't know why he had to make such a kid's movie and not focus on more important periods in Anakin's life. That's why everything seems so glossed over at the end of it all, and quite forced.

Oh and my god...Qui-Gon at the end? THAT WAS HORRIBLE.

FINAL NOTE: If there ever were a Mad Dog in Star Wars, THAT'S him.
Last edited:

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Awful film, I tolerated it the first time I saw it, but I can't stand it now.

The main problem is that Lucas can't write/direct, I could gloss over this stuff the first time I saw it, but it became worse the second time.

The Obi-Wan/Vader fight makes no sense given everything that Lucas had said about Vader before the film (That pre the Obi-Wan fight, he was twice as powerful as Palpatine, afterwards only 80% as powerful). I can accept that he had Obi-Wan on the defensive for much of the fight (As he did) but when they do the scene where they both go for a force throw and have their hands out pressing against the aether and then BOTH of them go flying, I gotta call BS, Obi-Wan just ISN'T as powerful as Anakin. (I wasn't/am not that big a star wars nerd, my roomie is and he's given me way to much info on this stuff)

And the HIGH GROUND?! That was it?! Gawd, Lucas has no idea how to end a fight scene (See Maul, Darth).

Lastly, the worst scene in the film (Besides all of those invovling Christiansen trying to 'act') is when Yoda just gives up. Which makes NO SENSE. Even I, the non-nerd just didn't get this. Given that he blocks force lighting with his bare hands and turns it back at Palpatine, proving he's stronger in the force then Palpatine, yet he gives up and flees to exile, damning the galaxy to 2 decades of oppression? Gawd...He could just show up the next day and start the throwdown anew...And this time he could even bring Obi-Wan!

Yoda musta voted for fighting Palpatine again before he voted against it...


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
First of all, I disagree.... Episode I was NOT a horrible movie. Episode II was not a horrible movie ... and Episode III was NOT a horrible movie.

Granted I don't think any are up to par w/ IV, V and VI ...

but I still enjoyed them all...

oh.. and yes, i saw the film twice on opening day ... and then again this past week ... :)


the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
I wouldn't say they're bad films. As in unwatchable, but they're barely good. Repeatability (of viewing) just isn't there for me, on any of the prequels. But, six years since TPM this isn't news.

I don't think i found any of the dialogue too cringe inducing as opposed to most of AOTC. But, throughout the plot is barely strung together. Not done well, etc, etc. They're amazing films really, in the sense that Lucas was an icon, Star Wars a part of pop culture..these films were events. And, in my opinion (i envy those who disagree) all three films just exist. That's it. Don't suck the life out of me, but they're just there.

There's so many things we could pick apart. Stanton's off to a good start. But, why? Three films in, why are judging these by some other standard? If Spielberg made a film like this, we'd ball up in a corner and cry. As opposed to George's previous two efforts..this one was better, but not the 'near saving grace' i'd read it to be.

I think he asked Kasden to write TPM, but Lawerence said no. He may or may not have asked Darabount. I dunno, I just think he felt he was forced to write it himself. Instead of hiring a writer, when his list of one or two contacts declined, he became a gamer and did it himself. And directing??

"I don't wanna teach anyone how to do bluescreen.."


I'm all four Lucas writing and directing, but you see the result. I'm sure if he had a good/great script he could direct a movie, but the script well..needed saving. But it never left his hands.

And these 'touchup' writers he employed for the last two. Stealin' money. Or maybe Lucas just wants the spelling changed, instead of "My lord, there's a problem with the first three acts."

He could hire a writer for Indy IV (more than one), but not Star Wars.

It's the project that made him a billionaire. These were his films to get back on the map. To 'change' cinema by going digital. It's just amazing that someone of his statue, produced this kind of low-to-mid quality.

Woody Allen does poor work, but you don't leave second guessing your childhood.

I'm sure a book will be written some day.

Through all three you can see he has good ideas. He just didn't prove to be a good enough filmmaker right now to make'em work.

Saw it a second time Saturday and it got better. There were flashes. I liked the scene berfore Anakin goes to the Temple to stop Mace. Where it's a cut back and forth between he and Padme. Nicely done, and probably the work of one of his famous friends.

Killing the Younglings should have been emotional. I thought the kid's jerk back reaction once the Saber was ignited was pretty good, but why didn't we see the Clone Troopers attack the temple, and blow some stuff up? Set up their fear?

I think Hayden is a good actor. But, geez...you can only do so much.

There were moments before 'the duel' where he came through. "(screaming) You wont' take her from me..." But, what the performance lacks is'nt his fault.

And yes Mike..Anakin should've dominated the fight more. I'd read his anger would get the best of him, and that'd make him unbalanced as a fighter, and he'd make a fatal mistake. But...again..why review it? Of course it's not done as well as it could be.

I could list 50 "huh?" moments, such as why does it take 20 years for the death star to be built?

Anyway. I've geeked enough. Enjoyed parts. Shame they all weren't better.

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Steve said:
And yes Mike..Anakin should've dominated the fight more. I'd read his anger would get the best of him, and that'd make him unbalanced as a fighter, and he'd make a fatal mistake. But...again..why review it? Of course it's not done as well as it could be.

I said that Anakin did dominate the fight, that was fine, the problem was that when it came to the 'battle of the force throws' Anakin/Obi-Wan tied, it was a stalemate. Which is absurd going by what Lucas himself said which is so annoying. It would be one thing if idiot fanboys were like 'No way, Anakin's way more powerful in the force then Obi-Wan' 'nun-uh!' 'yeah!' 'no way!' as kids do with Superman/Hulk.

This is the maker of the whole story saying flat out who's better then who and totally forgetting about it when he makes his film.

On your second point 'why review it?' well why wouldn't you? Isn't this why we have critics, award shows, and all the other things that surround Hollywood? It just sounds like we're supposed to accept what piss awful crap Lucas puts out because at least it'll be there.

My friend has been reading the ROTS book and he's just head over heels over it, so much of the motivation of the characters is explained, stuff that needed to be in the film isn't, I'll be reading it shortly, but from what it sounds like, the book should have been made into a screenplay and then that shot (By a capable director) for the film.


the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
I meant, I agreed with you in the sense that Anakin should have dominated more. Obi-Wan should've been even more torn about fighting him. Half pulling down the Luke vs. Vader scene in Return Of The Jedi. "i won't fight you.."

A capable director shooting the book would've been nice, but it's hard to say, "Lucas shouldn't have done these." It's his baby. It's not like the Weinstein brothers directing a major franchise film. Lucas is the cinematic engima on the other end of the scale from Terrence Malick. Instead of resurfacing every generation to do brilliant films, he shows to glorify the degradation of his filmmaking skills.

It's amazing that someone who says he doesn't like to write, and can't write, let himself write these screenplays. And, he's a recluse who doesn't like to direct people. Yet, here he goes.

It's kind of funny to hear him say he's gotten sidetracked for 30 years. That now he can fail. He can run off and make his independent films nobody wants to see. What are the odds on George Lucas directing anything again?

He's gotta have the most conflicted legacy of any filmmaker.

Is he even a good filmmaker?

Like I said, one day someone will write a book.

Watching the Clone Wars animation series was enough to say, "okay. In the hands of actual writers, and directors...this stuff could've cooked."

Anyway. On with War Of The Worlds. Which I'm really stoked about, mainly because the trailers have given away next to nothing.


the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
Since you've shamed me into reviewing...

I would've loved to have seen more (okay any) emotion out of Obi-Wan and Yoda when they saw the Temple destroyed, and Younglings laying around with their guts cut open.

Ewan should've been gunning for an Emmy when he learned it was Anakin. Instead we get a meek, "don't send me to kill him."

And...the pregnacy was mishandled. Barely touched upon. (okay one more) An afterthought! The film set up that Anakin and Obi-Wan had been gone a while. I would've liked to have seen the twins already born. In a refusal to bring more stress on (which should've been) a troubled, and more aggressive Anakin Padme doesn't tell him, or anyone. Maybe Bail knows. Have Leia already living with him, in the short-term.......until the Anakin mess can be straightened out. Have Luke with a hand-maiden.

That'd give you a couple nice scenes with Anakin and the kids. "oh look it's his son, and he doesn't even know it."

And her death.

She should've been dying at the start of the film. The SW version of cancer. That'd set up a pressing need for Anakin to 'save her'.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA

is anyone else annoyed by the fact that r2d2 and cp30 are chummy w/ obi-wan .. but then he doesnt "know" them during A New Hope ...

or the fact that he says he was trained by yoda ... where in phantom menace qui-gon was his master?


the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
Well, they're movies, what do you want? :p

I think you had to bring R2 and C3P0 back. In all three movies, anything that R2 does usually gets cheers/laughs in my audiences. He probably could've used them even more. As far as Obi-Wan not knowing them. He's an old man. He forgets? Or, more importantly....the time is right to spring Luke into action. He has to be careful what he says, and does. That's a little more pressing than, "Hey! That Astro droid looks familiar!" Dammmn :p

And Yoda training Obi-Wan. Doesn't Yoda train all the Younglings? So, in essence he did.

Again it's a movie. :) When making Episodes IV, V, and VI he probably didn't know what Padawan learner was.

And Yoda's the only Jedi left.

"Luke, I would send you to the Jedi who instructed me, BUT he was killed by a Sith some thirty years ago. However, the next best thing is a Jedi Master named Yoda, who has time to kill. He'll see you now."

That wouldn't have worked as well. :)


New member
May 4, 2005
Well I though the movie was great, even though the talking threw out the movie was somewhat crappy. It was full of action and there wasn’t any long drag on talking parts, as most talking scenes where cut short. Biggest thing that ticked me off with the movie was there weren’t enough scenes with Padme (If that is how you spell her name.)

Also, I’m probably wrong, but I’m just wondering did Luke and Leela hook up in one of the other star wars movie. I had seen them when I was young so I do not remember correctly.



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
They quickly peck a kiss a few times ...

As for the Padme scenes, I agree .. there should have been more. I know a lot of people hate Natalie Portman in Star Wars, but I thought she did a great job.

I loved the scene w/ her and Anakin looking "back" at each other in the towers...

And I felt like her and Christensen had a really good chemistry ... it started in Episode II and continued here .. and I thought they worked well together..

I wish they had given her death scene a little more drama ... but oh well.


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Yeah, but the second Death Star wasn't completed yet, plus they don't tell when the first Death Star was finished.

And if they do and I'm wrong on that, maybe technology got better :p

Mad Dog

Original Gangsta
Jan 1, 2000
I had no idea there were so many Gene Shallets in FW. ;)

I dug it. I am just surprised by all the hateration goin' on up in herre. :D

Why did the first Death Star take 20 years to build? Must have been government workers on that project. :) The second one Vader was on those mind tricks and choking people...he knew how to motivate his workers.

- Mad Dog

Steve...hook me up with a cooler avatar. Come on man, we go way back. :)

Mad Dog

Original Gangsta
Jan 1, 2000

I thought the one I had was cool, until it was replaced by the fat guy. Now I miss the fat guy avatar, because now I have this elephant looking piano player or whatever it is.

Argh. I never should have opened my big mouth and called everyone Gene Shallet.


- Mad Dog

J_A said:
You have to make your own cool avatars. Breadline Trotsky owns you n00bs, or should I say pwnz j00 n00bs

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