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ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 1+2 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Seymour Almasy

New member
Oct 11, 2004
Figured it was time for this to go up!


Zero vs. Spike Saunders

Sean Stevens vs. Jeff Andrews

Joey Melton vs. Showtime

Cameron Cruise vs. Troy Douglas


Chris Hopper vs. Pete Whealdon

Spooky Doom vs. Orphan

Khristain Keller vs. Castor V. Strife

The Sergeant vs. Anarky

My thoughts coming as soon as I finish reading everything.


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
I could make a case for you, Ben. Had you put out a third one...the case would have been stronger ;-)


Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
Zero over Saunders: If I was judging, Saunders, simply because I'm not in favor of Zero's RP's which essentially ignore his opponents. But I suspect he'll win anyway.
Stevens over Andrews. Stevens, but just barely. Great RP battle.
Melton over Showtime: Melton, but again, Showtime with a great showing.
Cruise over Douglas: I thought Douglas started well but definitely needed to RP again.

Hopper vs. Whealdon: Not really sure. Probably Whealdon but not but a lot.
Orphan over Spooky Doom: Just barely. Thought they both did a terrific job. Could be a coin toss.
Castor Strive over Khristain Keller: Decent win, but Keller put up a good fight I thought.
Sergeant vs. Anarky: No comment.


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
I'm going to score these as if I were a judge....what the heck


This was a great match and not as close as I expected it to be. Stevens was what he should have been. I am not a fan of the way he bolds things within the RPs, but that is not of any consequence...just a stylistic issue. I felt like Stevens got better every RP and built to a great crescendo. Problem is, Andrews was equal to the task and seemed to answer him every time. It was an upset when Mrray beat Stevens in Rd 1. This isn't an upset and I'm VERY glad Andrews decided to stay involved in the tournament.

Andrews 6-4


This is the best match of the round for bracket one....bar none. Melton flexed his muscles a little and showed why he is a two time winner of this event. He started off in high gear on that note as well. Loved that. He was consistent and strong throughout. Showtime was just as good and strong, and possibly just a tad funnier. I loved the Penny stuff in the RPs. This was a classic match up and I believe that you can't go wrong with either man advancing to sweet 16. For me...well...a penny for my thoughts.

5-5 (edge to Showtime)


Travel schedules OOC made this one interesting. Andy travelling early forced Dusty to go first and DUsty travelling later made him have to post the first two. Andy came back with two and his second one was arguably the post of the thread. I liked the way Dusty wrote Spike and this one was tight. I kind of wish one of you had written a third one to ice it. In the end, I think Spike's overall work pulled this one out.

Spike 6-4 (but it was more like 5.5-4.5)


I liked Douglas' first one out of the gate, but then Cruise went balls in his first one. I felt like both swings from Cruise went to the fence, while Douglas just seemed to be lucky to keep up. I expected this one to be a tight one, and both guys did well. Cruise just nailed it, I felt. Had Trey thrown a third one on....it might have swayed things closer....but I'm not certain.

Cruise 6-4

No comments. I'll leave that to others.


Wow. I think Sean wanted a decisive victory here. This was....utter destruction. Spooky's first one was solid. Not his best stuff of the tournament, but really good nonetheless. After that, he actually regressed on every RP. I'm not sure if it is because Orphan blew him ot of the water every time an RP was posted and he saw the writing on the wall....or what. But this was nasty. Orphan wins...and may God have mercy on your undead soul.

Orphan 8-2


Strife finally got a real opponent! Kudos to Ben for showing up! This is good for Strife too as he needs to sharpen his claws finally. Keller's first roleplay was great. Ben impressed me with his chops, especially after talking about how long it had been since he had actually competed in this arena. Strife was Strife. It was exactly what was expected when he was tested. This thread should have had 3 each and the winner would have been more clear cut had either one done that 3rd RP. However, I'm going on the man who seemed to have just enough of a rebuttal each time. This one was CLOSE as it gets.

5-5 (edge to Strife)


This was tough. But it gave me evidence of how close when, for the first time, the final post swayed me strongly one way or the other. Every post I read....I kept thinking Sargeant wins....no Anarky. Back and forth. The last RP from Anarky included a bit where he talked about the ring not caring who he is and etc. I freaking loved that. It resonated with me a ton and it was enough to sway me. First time that the tail end of the final RP ended up being the deciding factor. That is just how close this match was, as before I finsihed that RP....I was still thinking the edge would go the other way. nice stuff from both guys.

5-5 (edge to Anarky)

honestly not a bad next round...

Andrews VS Showtime
Spike VS Cruise

Orphan VS Hopper (I hope)
Anarky VS Strife

Should be fun!
Last edited:


League Member
Feb 24, 2009
Santa Monica
I need to read some of these other matches before I give opinions on 'em


Zero vs. Spike Saunders

Sean Stevens vs. Jeff Andrews
Andrews, I feel bad for Stevens handler, a little bit, I think had his last opponent showed, he'd have had a little more momentum rolling in to this than he did, and it would've been closer. Andrews in to the sweet sixteen

Joey Melton vs. Showtime
Need to read this one

Cameron Cruise vs. Troy Douglas
Need to read this one.


Chris Hopper vs. Pete Whealdon
I don't predict my own matches

Spooky Doom vs. Orphan
Ah this was pretty close. Orphan's first rp was a little.. dull for me. I wasn't high on either guy however. I want to say Orphan, but I could see Spooky winning this one.

Khristain Keller vs. Castor V. Strife
Strife, Though Zezu did a good job. Glad to see someone finally show against Billy.

The Sergeant vs. Anarky
Ah, need to read this one too.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Well, he would have had to post a second one before posting a third one, right? :)

Indeed I would have :cool: Apologies for not making this as good of a week of RPing as I wanted it to be, I just completely lost my steam as work piled up around me. Tends to happen when the three-day weekend you were supposed to have ends up being r escheduled into two 13-hour days and a half-day off.

Seymour Almasy

New member
Oct 11, 2004


OOC made this a bit of a cluster**** due to vacations and such, but I have Spike Saunders as the clear winner here. Zero's stuff was solid, but not IMO as good as the work that got him this far in the tournament, while Saunders wrote two very very solid promo pieces. To me, the easiest decision in the evenly contested matches.



This was a nice, spirited RP battle between two talented handlers. While I think Mr. Andrews doth protest too much about not being talked about (believe me, that's the spot you WANT to be in during a tournament like this), there's no denying his skill with the written word, nor that of Mr. Triple X. Nice, hard-hitting, back and forth stuff. Andrews' second RP, however, was the virtuoso piece of the match IMO, and he did an excellent job of tearing down the veteran. Close contest, but i'll give him the nod thanks to that promo.

WINNER: Jeff Andrews, 5-5.


Joey Melton is this insane brand of delusional that somehow goes all the way around again and makes him oddly endearing. He reminds me of Ric Flair when he'd go on his rants and elbowdrop articles of clothing. He does good work here again in a total and utter complete stylistic clash with Showtime that can honestly go either way and be judged with almost any score and I probably wouldn't be astonished at all. Showtime's story is solid, the writing is good, and yet, it's not particularly memorable.

Melton stands out more, when all's said and done. For that, he gets my nod.

WINNER: Joey Melton, 5-5.


Three RPs beats one, unless that one is Godlike. The one in this case is not Godlike, so it's going to be an easy call in favor of the Crippler We Can Still Talk About.

WINNER: Cameron Cruise, 8-2.



I have a saying in tournaments that, in order to make a deep run, you have to win every match you should win, and at least one match you shouldn't. This is, for the winner of this match IMO, either the last of the matches they should win, or the first of the matches they shouldn't.

Pete Whealdon's a solid but non-spectacular writer who does very well at the old-school style of retorting to what his opponent says. It does make me wonder how he'd do if he had to roleplay first, but that's not the case so I can't judge that. There are some good oneliners, some nice catchy phrases. Get F***ed as a catchphrase doesn't work for me so much, but shrug.

Chris Hopper's a character straight out of the Attitude Era, with attendant catchphrases and put-downs and the like. I feel like he was a little more creative in setting and such, while Whealdon might have had slightly better barbs, but not by much.

Throw in the advantage in judging Hopper may get for posting first, and the hand begins to point to Too Cool. The problem I have with both is it's really the same thing with them, especially Whealdon. Whealdon is who he is, and there doesn't seem to be a done of depth to who he is, but he's a solid writer. Hopper seems to have more (albeit sliiiightly) range.

OOC bull**** aside in a match with tons of it, I give the nod to Hopper. If we had 5.5-4.5, I'd make that the margin, but since I can't...

WINNER: "Too Cool" Chris Hopper, 5-5.


No prediction. Best of luck to His Spookiness.


The third RP from either man takes this match. With that said, I thought the two best RPs of the thread where Keller's first, and Castor's second. As someone who never really rated Castor that highly, I came away pretty impressed with him. He's creative, comes up with a lot of good lines and word usage that sticks in your head after you finish it, and is a solid (but not, in my opinion, worldbeating) writer.

This is CLOOOOOSE. I like Keller's first a little bit better than Castor's second, which'll ultimately decide this for me. This is razor thin, but I thought Zezu's approach to Castor's run of luck was really solid, and while Castor fired back on it more than gamely, the Khristain Keller character comes off as more memorable to me in the end than Mr. V. Strife.

WINNER: Khristain Keller, 5-5.


Another tight match. Old school slugfest with both guys going back and forth throwing bombs until someone drops from the exertion. Both guys are very similar stylistically, so while it's tight, it also makes it easier for me to pick a winner, in the sense that I thought Anarky did what he did a little bit better. I liked the Sarge's training focus, but Anarky had a bit more zip in his promos, in my opinion. Still really close, and props to both guys for a fun battle.



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
For the record Adam...you REALLY had me worried after I posted my second post and it grew even MORESO after my third. Thursday evenings I'm occasionally booked into IRL events, so needless to say, I was checking to see what you'd come back with and was surprised/shocked when you didn't. I'm always looking forward to matches we have though, as in what I said IN CHARACTER....you get tougher and tougher each time we face off.

That said...I REALLY hope you get back into FW, at the very least a part-time schedule, as you're awesome to work either with or against.


Mar 11, 2012

Zero vs. Spike Saunders

Sean Stevens vs. Jeff Andrews
Jeff seems too defensive in his first promo, more concerned about making his foe look bad (which is easy considering Sean lost his first match; people might deduct you points for basing a whole promo over a low hanging fruit) whereas Sean brought his arrogance from the first promo onwards. But can I say that when you've read one Sean Stevens promo, you've read them all? It's well done "I'm the best there is" promos but it does get rather repetitive after a while. Problem is, Jeff made the cardinal sin of calling a wrestler "boring" during promo #3 and I don't see him going ahead of Sean round 3.

Joey Melton vs. Showtime
Great opening gambit by Joey, sets the stage for the match and the tournament as a whole. Showtime suffers from Zero syndrome where he's got trouble getting into the ULTRATITLE as a subject and fails to hype himself up as king badass of the tourny. Wanted to see more written about the bounty than about Joey's creepy tendencies, tbh. No really, I'm picturing old man Flair pushing himself on some poor defenseless woman. Be a Boss, heh; I'm sure you'll score points with that one. And Showtime misses the chance to wow or impress with his last promo. It's sweet, bordering on saccharine, discussing a movie on the eve of his most important match ever... It needed more bite, Melton wins it.

Cameron Cruise vs. Troy Douglas
Damnit Troy you dropped the ball!

More later. Discuss.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
I'm sorry, and I'm not judging bracket 1, but.... are people really saying that it's too bad about Andy's travel schedule keeping him from getting three up?

You... do know he posted SIX times in the hype thread during the same week, right??



Mar 11, 2012


Chris Hopper vs. Pete Whealdon
I actually saw promise in Hopper's first promo: U -S-A jingoism that it was, it's perfectly appropriate for pro-wrestling. I follow the ewzine of course, saw that Aaron had hesitations about participating and saw this as an attempt to get the handler back into the fight. No biggie. Furthermore, Pete Whealdon's first promo read like a shaggy dog story with so many ways of saying "I don't care" in the second half. It avoids the purpose of RPing.

But then Hopper goes downhill explaining the relevance of his opening joke and how the ending of Billy Madison won't apply to him, with Pete picking up on that fail and running it for his next two promos. You can't "tailor" a joke; you have to take it as is, with all its potential failings and inelegance to the situation. Also, I prefer Whealdon without the entourage: focuses stuff on the subject at hand. Third promos are messes from both parties, with both telling each other they can't wrestle. Fuck everyone, segments will decide who wins but on basis of entertainment alone I give Pete the slight advantage.

Spooky Doom vs. Orphan
Shall I? Will I? Well it's no secret that I didn't like Orphan's second promo. I thought if I could make a strong enough point of showing how Orphan was just reading statements from a book and how he was wavering whether to treat Spooky like the grim avatar of Death or a mortal dumb kid in a mask, I could win this easy. What happened was that I got real tired writing my third promo so it comes off as uninspired and hateful. His third was far better, but Orphan's switching viewpoint as to what Spooky Doom really is enerved me; mostly because I tried writing a full promo on his inability to decide and failed because that alone is not enough material for a whole text.

We both did storyline promos for our firsts in our own special way. I see victory decided by point tally: is my second better than Orphan's third? Who's got the better start? Will tournament organisers consider my oncard to be what propels Spooky Doom to victory? Only time will tell because I'm shutting up now.

Khristain Keller vs. Castor V. Strife
Well Castor certainly has a strategy of letting Keller keep his title of King of Shit Mountain while concentrating on the title of ULTRATITLE champion. Don't know if I'd call Keller's start strong: it's simple, it's to the point but is repeatedly calling your opponent a c*nt a winning strategy for the ULTRATITLE? Keller's second was far stronger but is it me or was it too short? Too focused on the singular topic of past accomplishments, Castor picks up on promo 4 and I see him winning the battle.

The Sergeant vs. Anarky
Anarky doesn't waste any time getting into the meat of his subject on promo 1; though I seem to recall organisers saying that you shouldn't drop f-bombs on TV. Then there's the fact that Anarky simply shows more hunger for the ULTRATITLE itself: it's not wise to act too relaxed in what's supposed to be the ultimate high stakes tournament. Better promos on the second try, from both competitors, leaving Anarky with the advantage. Third try: Sergeant's humility comes without a reason why anyone would believe he could make it to the top of the ULTRATITLE in a situation similar to his first RP offering, whereas Anarky... yeah, they both kinda fizzle out at the end! I don't sense any anger or raw emotion or anything from anyone! So it's the battle of the feel and maybe Anarky wins this one unless he's penalized for saying F*ck.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
I'm sorry, and I'm not judging bracket 1, but.... are people really saying that it's too bad about Andy's travel schedule keeping him from getting three up?You... do know he posted SIX times in the hype thread during the same week, right??IT'S LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS.
Yeah, dude RP'd all week in Hype, then drops two in the thread an hour before deadline. Isn't that supposed to be "frowned upon" or was that just Stanton being an asshole again?


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
varies depending upon the week
Yeah, dude RP'd all week in Hype, then drops two in the thread an hour before deadline. Isn't that supposed to be "frowned upon" or was that just Stanton being an asshole again?
I'll go ahead and nip this before it spirals into the typical forum conjecture.I spent the last three weeks teaching abd traveling in Europe. That "hype" series is being lead by probably 5-7 parts from the current one posted. The last time I was able to write anything on it was on the flight over to there, and then a couple ferry rides a few days after that. I let Saunders' handler know, right when the new bracket went up, that I wouldn't be able to post anything until way late into the time period. At that point my laptop was dead and I only had my iPhone to communicate. He was also traveling, too. I got back to the states a couple days ago and had faculty meetings, reports to write, client work to wrap up, and unpacking/washing/packing for a 900 mile road trip I'm now on. I wrote those only after everything else was finished, and I wasn't going to post a third if I knew he was caught in travel and was done at two. The hype stuff had to be posted pretty quickly together to make up for lack of access from the previous two weeks and catch that parallel "past" story up to the current one. So, feel free to be snarky, but at least know that the people who needed to know, did.


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
I'll go ahead and nip this before it spirals into the typical forum conjecture.I spent the last three weeks teaching abd traveling in Europe. That "hype" series is being lead by probably 5-7 parts from the current one posted. The last time I was able to write anything on it was on the flight over to there, and then a couple ferry rides a few days after that. I let Saunders' handler know, right when the new bracket went up, that I wouldn't be able to post anything until way late into the time period. At that point my laptop was dead and I only had my iPhone to communicate. He was also traveling, too. I got back to the states a couple days ago and had faculty meetings, reports to write, client work to wrap up, and unpacking/washing/packing for a 900 mile road trip I'm now on. I wrote those only after everything else was finished, and I wasn't going to post a third if I knew he was caught in travel and was done at two. The hype stuff had to be posted pretty quickly together to make up for lack of access from the previous two weeks and catch that parallel "past" story up to the current one. So, feel free to be snarky, but at least know that the people who needed to know, did.

No need to defend your real life work schedule....

Brunk....you were right......about it all.....

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