That A1 Guy Rates The First Round.
I was originally going to guest post this in Tommy's Blog, just to try to get some more traffic over there and get comments going in again, but if this thing picks up any faster I'd easily overcrowd his own stuff. So, it goes here.
Fair warning, I'm not exactly knowledgable about most of the folks that'll probably get drafted. But, lack of knowledge doesn't stop world leaders of all stripes from speaking and putting their smelly shoes in their mouths, why should it stop me?
LTFC actually picked a non-A1'er I've heard of. Ulysis Solian has popped in at A1E for the tag team tournament, and from what little I read, I was quite impressed. From what Tom told me, this is the newest incarnation of the character. Great choice overall. (Now I'm going to basically beg for forgivness here, because I feel like I just slapped the guy in the face with what I wrote earlier)
Which is exactly what Ms. Troy got for
ZOMG! with the one and only Ego Buster. I would not be surprised to see Dan beat me for my A1E World Title this week at all. Ryan's done almost everything in e-fedding, and deserves nearly every accolade he gets. Great choice.
Uh-oh... now I'm going into unfamilier territory.
NWA picked Shane Southern. Well, I've heard the name, at least, so there's a reputation preceeding him in my mind. Katz's no fool, so I'm probably pretty safe in saying this is a good move.
I'm far more confident in saying Troy Windham is an excellent 1st pick for
ESFWC. His feud with Lindsay Troy in EPW is a real highlight of that fed right now, and I keep hoping something really huge happens for him in A1E.
My buddy Jarrett makes an absolutely "DUH" pick for his first for
CMW. The Spoiler is bar none the epitome of classic MBE, is a top A1E contender, and could pretty much go anywhere he wants and make at least some kind of impact. This is not the last of the Dan West Army we've seen in this draft, I can assure you.
SMHUFW pickes a contender with almost as many initials in the fed, maybe more depending on how many the fellow behind Shawn Hart feels like adding in. Having RP'd against this fellow recently, I'm not at all surprised he's scooped up so early. Hart might not be the most obvious main event character, but then, neither is my fictional self, so big ups to him for being a first round pick.
BSWA grabs another Windham, this time Mark. I don't know a dang thing about this character. So I'll just say how much I wanted to promo against the Muppet Kid Windham, just to break out the obscure Henson stuff. Hugga Wugga.
Irishred, for his
MWW makes probably my favorite pick of the round, Lindsay F'n Troy. I'm a sucker for a well-written female character, and Troy's the gold standard here. She can do almost anything she wants in a promo. My only cavet is that she beat me to the "anatomy of a housefly" promo!
DCW grabs Joey Melton, a fine choice to be sure. I'm not sure I'd have made him my first round choice, but I can think of far worse. All I have to say, really.
Our other Shane, of the Steven variety, picks up Housefly for
TSA. I'm not sure how much of Roger's work most FW'ers have been exposed to. When housefly is on, he's an insanely difficult opponent, as evidenced by the fact he's the only dang one to hold both the A1E and MBE World Titles, a feat even heavyweight names like The Spoiler and Beast have yet to duplicate. Great pick.
FAG (yeesh) picks Yori Yakamo Jr. Yori's an... aquired taste, one that pushes the boundaries of beleivability at times. Really, how many Thai hookers know how to play a trombone? Needless to say, I'm a fan. The fact that the character has been on a tear as of late doesn't hurt, either.
James' First Round Pick Would Have Been: After everyone else has had their first picks... my first choice would have gone to Richard Farnswirth. Reason being, I think every federation needs a Flair. Someone capable of really riling up the crowd with his words, who exudes success with his attitude and background, and can work in the main event any night of the week and deliver. That's Farnsy, hands down.
Awright, ya Poozers. Whattaya say?
Edit: Corrected some information