That A1 Guy Returns for Round 3!
Okay, I'm F*CKING TIRED of making mistakes with these. I cannot stand coming off as ignorant by accident. On purpose, well, that can't be helped, but this time, a little copy and paste action should save me. On with the show!
CMW - Christian Sands - Former EPW World Champion, eh? Well, considering how competitive EPW really is, that's saying something. Good choice by Jarrett
ZOMG!-W - "The Wolf" Mike Randalls - I think I remember him. Yeah... Lindz reccomended this guy to me back when A1 was doing a draft. So I'm not surprised she snatched him up.
ESFWC - BigDog - Not my favorite of the two major characters Phil runs, but just on longevity alone this is a solid choice. There's more than enough title dominance to back it up, too.
SMHUFW - Scott Riktor - LoC Legacy Champion, and that's all I know. Is this their version of the World belt, or is it something different?
LTFC - Doc Silver - He's a name that's gotten around, that's for sure, and he's not a shy fellow, either. He's earning his success in MBE, too, and that's just what I know off the top of my head, so I'd say this is a very good choice at this stage.
TSA - Euclid - Saw this one coming, since I know Shane's a mark for this character. Euclid was one of A1E's best written characters during his time. Heck, he was one of A1E's best written characters, period.
NWA - "Hurricane" Eddy Love - Uhhhhh... yeah... Man on the Blue Ridge Mountain. That's a cool description, but what else does this guy have going for him? I honestly do not know.
FAG - Nova - Hey! No real life wres- what's that? OH! That Nova! That's very differnet! ... never mind. Seriously, I hear this name a lot, so though I don't know much about what he's done, I have a good sense this is a good pick.
MWW - Richard Farnswirth - Ahhhh, now we're talking! My favorite of Phil's characters, and I'm not at all surprised irishred grabbed him. You can look at my Round 1 post to find out why I like this pick so much. Steal of the round for sure.
BSWA - Deacon - All I know is what the name tells me. What has he done?
DCW - "Cocky" Craig Miles - I think I've read some of his stuff before, and I seem to remember liking it. I hate to be so vague, but with literally hundreds upon hundreds of e-fed characters out there, keeping track isn't as easy as, say, trying to stand on a basketball for three minutes.
Who I'd Pick: Well, someone guessed the Holzerman character I was looking at for my proverbial Round 2 choice. Maggot. Yyyyyyyyup. Well, with nothing to hide now, my thrid round choice would have gone to irishred. He's only recently come into his own, but that's because he's only recently come back in the first place to e-fedding, compared to most.