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League Member
Nov 1, 2005
Rochester, NY
That A1E Guy Looks at Round 2

Here we go again, gang. And the first thing I notice in this round is... a distinct lack of quotation marks. Heh. Let's see how far I can get before I run into someone I don't really know.

FAG (oy vey) picked Jason Snow. Oh, bloody hell, it would be the first guy, wouldn't it? I mean, I've heard the name, but I can't remember having read anything he wrote. Winning something like GTT6 is no walk in the park, though, so this guy's got to be good.

This portion, where I'd discuss TSA's pick, has been ARROW'D!

DCW makes an altogether predictable choice considering who's drafting this fed. Not to say that Freakfish isn't a great choice. Simply that Dan and Bill go together like Ted Kord and Michael Carter. And when Bill has the time to commit to the hobby, he's one of the best.

Over at MMW, Shane G's picked himself up a Beast. I have to say I'm a little surprised this crossover success story lasted as long as he did. A1E, MBE, EPW and who knows what else, Beast has found success and titles wherever he's gone. In the second round, he's a steal.

Hornet gets the pick over at BSWA, another name I've heard but don't really know that much about. There's not even a helpful note about his credentials to tell me much. I wonder if he (Hornet, that is) gets a lot of B. Brian Blair jokes aimed at him?

Case in point, I don't think I've even heard the name Larry Tact more than once or twice, but then I see "first NEW Champion," and I know all I need to about why he's been picked so early. There's something really special about being the first leading champion in a federation. SMHUFW makes a solid pick here, for sure.

Oh. I really don't know who this James Irish guy that CMW picked is. Nope. Not a clue at all.* Next!

Eli Flair is a name I see get tossed around a lot. A LOT. And, even moreso than the last name Windham, using Flair in your characters name is just an invitation to potentially unfair comparisons. If he's managed to get past that successfully like all appearences would indicate, this is a good one for ESFWC.

*grumbles about constantly having to be corrected in place of mentioning Felix Red and NWA*

ZOMG!-W takes another name I hear an awful lot, despite my not remembering having read too much from the character. Eddie Mayfield's definatley an established main eventer, though, I know that much for sure. Solid choice by Lindsay.

I know less about Michael Manson, however. LTFC picked someone who is much more of a mystery to me. I'd love some enlightenment here, folks.

Ah-ha! After getting ARROW'D! earlier, TSA manages to come back with what is an interesting trend. Hida Yakamo, owner of one of the most over finishers in e-fedding (oh, the humanity, indeed!), making this the second Yakamo picked in the final round of the draft, and likely the last unless Jeff decides to stun us with an entirely new, entirely different, entirely awesome new member of the Yakamo clan. Another steal for sure.

Here I'd mention my Who I'd Take pick, if I were the last guy to choose. But a drafter who I mentioned it to said to me he was eyeing that very character. I'll just say it's a Holzerman creation and leave it at that.

Oh, and big ups to Aston for stepping up to the plate and giving his own thoughts, even if it's just on four picks. He's making the rest of you look bad!!

* In all seriousness, thank you Jarrett.
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Jan 1, 1970
Hornet was the cornerstone of the CSWA.

NWA selected Felix Red, the current NFW World Champion and Regular Season Champion.

Whoever was before them took Eli Flair...who is more like Cactus Jack than Ric Flair. hehe

Michael Manson was the NFW Ultratitle Season 1 Winner, as well as a former NFW World Champion.

I'm always here to help. :)


Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
QueenOfTheRing said:
Black Death Devil Master (or whatever he's called) for the win?

It's Black Death Devil MastR

No 'e' and a capital 'R'. If memory serves, you can thank Mr. Evan Aho for that creation.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
Knowing me you've probably already answered this question but in all seriousness...

For the Tag Team Rounds...it's okay if we pick a team comprised of 2 characters of someone else's Single's draft right??


Jan 1, 1970
TSiegel said:
Knowing me you've probably already answered this question but in all seriousness...

For the Tag Team Rounds...it's okay if we pick a team comprised of 2 characters of someone else's Single's draft right??

Hellllllllll noooooooooo

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