I feel like I may be THE GUY for doing this and it may be out of a place of genuine disappoint or some such (and in no way is it a reflection of my splendiferous tag partner Voss) but I dunno, with all the build and effort that went into the A&A/Superfly match that has stemmed over a good few months now, the match just seemed to not well reflect the stuff that all four of us have been working to, especially considering the finish of the match pretty much bookends the story entirely. I know it's a Brawl show and written in the style of Brawl matches but I dunno, I guess I felt the match deserved a little bit more, especially with the ending used not to give Superfly a deserving moment to celebrate the victory of a prolonged feud but rather to just have a big end of show kerfuffle that doesn't seem to achieve much.
This is certainly not a complaint against Ford and Chris winning because those guys are awesome and have established excellent chemistry as a team but really, I dunno, this just left me feeling kinda "eh" as a handler here, partially I think because I don't really see where our team goes from here and partially because I think this was the peak of what I can achieve in NFW and even that I didn't manage to follow through. I think it's the first time win or lose that I've read an NFW card and with the effort of everyone involved just felt like it didn't deliver. Especially when it's cast aside to push a different angle at the end of the show, kinda of like "fuck your stuff, we have new toys to play with".
With that out of the way and on matches that I was far less emotionally invested in and could just out and out enjoy...
- I am already loving the Peter Windham and Lane Cash tag team... actually I just love Peter Windham but there's something oddly dynamic about the duo that should lead to a mixture of fun RPs and fun segments, as we already saw later in the card with Peter truly exerting his commissioner based authority to cause some trouble and irritate the hell out of Eddie at the same time.
- The beatdown insanity that would be a consistent them of the show begins, I'll be honest, I've still to catch up with some of night one so this sudden burst of brutality caught me by surprise, I'm curious what Legion's deal is at the moment after his title shot with Impulse.
- Loved the opportunity for the Grand Prix guys to show a little bit of face during the opener and to start putting that match over as a huge deal and a massive opportunity to the guys involved. It's the kind of thing that'll keep the guys interested and focused on their match (and hopefully stick around due to seeing that they play a key role in the shows in terms of solid build to Reloaded)
- I'm really interested to see where this Impulse/Eddie deal goes when we head down the line. The segment was sort of building and hinting towards an almost Eddie/JTP like situation before everything went out of whack with the appearance of Dear Leader himself, P Dubs.
- The tag match done a great service in ensuring that Impulse, as the new champion, remains a presence within every show, while at the same time establishing The Grave Robbers as a very real and dangerous tag force within NFW. The fact that they managed to hang with the current NFW champ and the boss man up until the very last second of the match does a great service in putting them over straight away. Really good job with this one.
- Main event was solidly written but I've already went through all of my EMOTIONS at the start of this post, so we'll just leave it there and never speak of it again.