Pete's ass belongs to me.
I won't be stepping down from anything.
Round 3 Predictions
Sean Edmunds vs the Phantom Republican
Instead of focusing on the 3 vs 2 disparity, I want to give kudos to Sean for changing his game and at least trying to meet GOP on his field of battle. Thank you for trying to adapt to your opponent and for this, I give you my prediction win.
Kiyomori vs Boogie Smallz
Okay, four days between replies followed by a blitz, but give credit to Boogie for trying to involve his opponent's character points into his RPs (specifically the first one). Kiyo treating Boogie as if he were just any other participant smacks of laziness: just assume everyone thinks about you the same way, then prepare all your promos as answer points to that one issue. "English is my second language and I speak it far superior..." Irony, or really sticking to your character traits? Followed by the "You're not good enough" point which is never a good line ever. Good save second promo with the Kiyo isn't a man to talk; but just calling the other guy stupid does not a promo make. Entertaining promos should mean offering something with your character, not just debasing for the sake of making others look bad. Even the best trash talkers make their digs somewhat funny, rather than trying to appear full-on truthful. It's all opinions anyways, so the best presented opinion wins: go Boogie.
"The Blade" Kendall Codine vs Mickey Massacre
Codine with a weak start wanting to solidify gender roles... in a hobby that wants to attract as many new faces as possible. Hey, I'm against intergender matches myself (for different reasons) but that's not a way to start off and you can only start off once. Well answered by Mickey, could've used more bite. Good recovery from Kendall, the switch in tactics coming off smoothly enough considering he played it first promo with the "Mickey" or "Massacre" line. It's Mickey rather than Massacre who shows up on promo 2, Kendall backs off the intensity... I'm saying it depends on how you judge promo 3: I'd say Massacre had the better 3rd promo so I'm giving him the duke.
"Total Elimination" Eli Flair vs "The Only Star" Eric Dane
To be entered after lunch.
Bracket 4 follows.
In all honesty, don't see where gender was even in question. I pointed out his loss to a female champion, but never questioned his gender as his bio and rps are fairly gender specific and unmistakeable.
Spooky, with all due respect, you are completely off in the interpretation of my initial roleplay. I did my research when it came to my opponent and I discovered that he deals with multiple personalities (which he acknowledged in his rp) and that's what I was attacking, personality #1 (Mikey) and personality #2 (Massacre), pointing out his mental instability/weakness.
In all honesty, don't see where gender was even in question. I pointed out his loss to a female champion, but never questioned his gender as his bio and rps are fairly gender specific and unmistakeable.
You should never make fun of a guy for losing to a girl. Didn't you know this is e-politically-correct? You must stick to previously agreed upon politically correct rules to win your match, which is essentially a debate between two suburban white anglo saxon moms in the vein of that chick Sandra Bullock played in that one football movie. Pro wrestling has nothing to do with it.
I shall return to my vacation now. Orlando and my family are a lot of fun!
You should never make fun of a guy for losing to a girl. Didn't you know this is e-politically-correct? You must stick to previously agreed upon politically correct rules to win your match, which is essentially a debate between two suburban white anglo saxon moms in the vein of that chick Sandra Bullock played in that one football movie. Pro wrestling has nothing to do with it.
I shall return to my vacation now. Orlando and my family are a lot of fun!
"Total Elimination" Eli Flair vs "The Only Star" Eric Dane
Eli centers his promos around accomplishments (his own, opponent's comparative less-of), Eric starts with a whole ton of background centered around Greensboro and has trouble getting into the subject. "I haven't heard of you" is a horrible opening to a world title contender and fedhead, not responding was the best response; round 1 goes to Dane. Round 2 it's Eli with the slow roll, good response; aw snap, Eric Dane isn't there, great third promo too and it's 3 for 1 Flair, no getting back from that.
Well seems you admit to doing the deed yourself, so shouldn't be any hard finding the reference now would it? (quoting on tablets is hard)Yes it is a chump move to discredit a champion and therefore the e-wrestling federation by saying the champ is a woman. I never spoke ill of the writing ability of any female handler so losing to a girl is not a viable badge of shame. So it is sexist to think less of a wrestling federation where the champ is a woman. Does that make Kendall a good heel? No, it makes all of us poorer for further preventing writers of talent from participating in this hobby and wanting to RP a character that represents them by publicly stating on the opening promo that chick champions invalidate a federation's credentials.^LOL, touche!!Spooky....please point out that exact quote in any of my three roleplays because you seem to be the only one that can find it. Did I discredit Mikey's accomplishments based upon the fact that a female seemed to be the top wrestler in the organization's history? Certainly, but that's the name of the game, discrediting your opponent (in fact, if you read closely, which you obviously did not, Mikey pointed out first that he lost to the girl, not me).I'm fine with one's opinion, but I will defend myself when it comes to misinterpretation or the adding of remarks that were not made.
Well seems you admit to doing the deed yourself, so shouldn't be any hard finding the reference now would it? (quoting on tablets is hard)Yes it is a chump move to discredit a champion and therefore the e-wrestling federation by saying the champ is a woman. I never spoke ill of the writing ability of any female handler so losing to a girl is not a viable badge of shame. So it is sexist to think less of a wrestling federation where the champ is a woman. Does that make Kendall a good heel? No, it makes all of us poorer for further preventing writers of talent from participating in this hobby and wanting to RP a character that represents them by publicly stating on the opening promo that chick champions invalidate a federation's credentials.
To be fair, most fedheads these days allow if not encourage female characters, and so all anyone has to do if someone tries the "LOL you lost to a girl" routine is say something along the lines of "Oh. You're one of those guys." and then ignoring or making a point of no-selling the woman bashing.
Good! When I re-launch VENUS, Billy will be signing up! Wooo!
Who said anything about female handlers being inferior? We're talking about the characters themselves. Wrestling is supposed to be a faux combat sport. So name me one combat sport, on the professional level, whether it be freestyle wrestling, MMA, boxing, muay thai, etc, where females and males compete in the same division, let alone females beating men for titles. I can name instances where smaller men fought openweight and beat bigger guys, so I get why that can be realistic in a pro-wrestling setting. But even that is rare. Weight divisions by gender exist for a reason. There's also a reason why hitting a woman is frowned upon moreso than hitting another man. I get that we've stretched the limits of physical science in eW by having women beating men for titles and all that, but it's...kinda stupid. Women's wrestling (just like women's MMA) is a lot more interesting and cool when they are in a separate division. I even feel the same about male cruiserweights, to tell you the truth.Women do sometimes beat men grappling and whatnot (high school wrestling, jiu jitsu tournaments), but it's rare, and it's usually on an amateur level where a really good female can beat a really crappy male. Doesn't happen on the professional level. Would actually be disgusting and abusive if someone booked that, for real.
Well seems you admit to doing the deed yourself, so shouldn't be any hard finding the reference now would it? (quoting on tablets is hard)Yes it is a chump move to discredit a champion and therefore the e-wrestling federation by saying the champ is a woman. I never spoke ill of the writing ability of any female handler so losing to a girl is not a viable badge of shame. So it is sexist to think less of a wrestling federation where the champ is a woman. Does that make Kendall a good heel? No, it makes all of us poorer for further preventing writers of talent from participating in this hobby and wanting to RP a character that represents them by publicly stating on the opening promo that chick champions invalidate a federation's credentials.
If a female handler wants to RP a female character, she shouldn't be discouraged because female competitors are seen as less than male competitors. The sooner we all accept female characters as legitimate contenders, the sooner we can bring more handlers, period.
To be fair, most fedheads these days allow if not encourage female characters, and so all anyone has to do if someone tries the "LOL you lost to a girl" routine is say something along the lines of "Oh. You're one of those guys." and then ignoring or making a point of no-selling the woman bashing.
or call him out on it.
"Y'know something Kendall Codine, things have changed quite a bit since you were retired. And one of 'em is that there's enough women in the game these days who can succeed straight up that it's not even that big a deal anymore. Get with the times before [Miss Namedrop] decides to forcefeed you your own foot."
You could even do it as a heel.
"I'm no fan of [Miss Namedrop], but she built that 200 day title reign on the backs of dumbasses like you who wrote her off as a woman at the expense of common sense, then got their asses kicked. Complain about women wrestling all you want, they owe a lot of that success to dumbasses like you."