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Recent content by Styles

  1. S

    Alchemy vs. V and D

    Hey gang, I just wanted to say thanx to Gothic Alchemy for the RP's these last couple of days. Its been a blast and best of luck to you at Onslaught. Now, if anyone wants to run an angle with V and D with me, Im all over it. Really dont have any plans for em at the moment, so if you have any...
  2. S

    Styles with mystery partner?

    The camera fades into a shot of a man in his early twenties, clean shaved, and with brown shaggy hair standing in front of what appears to be the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame. He wears a familiar jeans with a baby blue t-shirt that reads “Restraining orders are just another way of saying ‘I Love...
  3. S


    Hey crew Im happy to report that I got everything straigtened out now! YAY! It is my privelage to announce that Johnny Styles will be back starting this week. I know your disapointed about that, but oh well! I have some great new ideas for him, so check out my roleplays later in the week...
  4. S


    Hey gang, Unfortunatly, I have to take a leave of absence for about 2 -3 weeks. I still plan on being an active part of GXW, but I have several IRL obligations that need to come first. I hope that you guys understand, and I am sorry for having to do this, but on the bright note, you wont have...
  5. S

    Skulls, Muffins, and Fame

    The camera fades into a shot of “Mr. Irresistible” Johnny Styles’ face with a huge grin on it. The camera begins to pan out, and it reveals that Styles is sitting in a seat on an airplane. He is wearing a tight blue t-shirt that reads “I like foreplay.” Styles looks cramped in is coach seat...
  6. S

    Sands, Habooki, and Day Time Television

    The camera fades into a shot of “Mr. Irresistible” Johnny Styles, and his sidekick Julius D. Licious. Johnny is sitting on his couch in front of his T.V with an unpleasant glare in his eye. Julius stays almost huddled in the far corner of the room while Styles keeps his full attention on the...
  7. S

    Status Report

    Hey Guys, Well, now that I've cut a couple promos and started my career here in GXW I was looking for some feedback. I would appreciate anyone out there who has commments, good or bad, to post here on my character "Mr. Irresistible" Johnny Styles. Any constructive criticism is more than...
  8. S

    Twisting a Missle?

    The camera fades into a shoat of what appears to be a door with the gold numbering of 13B on the door. Whose door is this? And why is it important to GXW? Questions seem to be flying around, and answers are in short supply. The camera man knocks on the door. Feeble Voice: Who is it...
  9. S


    HELLO GXW! I wanted to take this time to introduce myself and my handle in GXW. My real name is Jake. Yup, just Jake. I was introduced into GXW by a couple of friends of mine that you know as Kin Hiroshi and Evan Aho. I really look forward to RPingwith all of you and having some great...

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