Valhalla Productions 011 - The Butt-Prier Strikes Back
(Fade in, and we’re inside a local Las Vegas fitness center. The camera tracks down a row of standard weight lifting equipment, catching the expressions of various body builders in between reps as they crane their heads toward the sound of LOUD and labored breathing.)
(The camera comes to a stop as it reaches the famed pornography director, TOMMY SALAMI, for once seen wearing gray sweats instead of his typical leisure suit, floral print shirt, and knock-off gold chains. His attention is heavily fixed on the person occupying the bench in front of him. We quickly find the source of the heavy, rhythmic breathing—a towering muscular titan holding a horned helmet, standing, now with his back to the camera.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
Tommy Salami
Come on, Olvir! Just five more reps!
Olvir Arsvinnar
(The camera zooms out, ever so slightly, now revealing the notorious Viking pornstar from the waist up. Surprisingly, his arms are angled out firmly at his sides, in a typical Superman pose. Still, we can hear the Ultimate Warrior-style snarled breathing, and the slight shake of a bar, leaving one to wonder, “What THE HELL is he DOING?”)
Olvir Arsvinnar
(Zoom out a bit further… now we can see the bar. Rather than fitting both ends with weights, we see two of the triplets, now referred to in some circles as “the Ixie Chicks”, sitting on either end. The bar, for that matter, seems to be hovering in air… right around where Olvir’s pelvic region is. Every time he lets out a snarling powerful exhale, the bar raises a few inches, and lowers. Suddenly, it becomes perfectly clear just what MUSCLE he’s exercising.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
(The statuesque brunette doppelgangers drop down from the bar and set it in place, relieving the sweat-drenched Norsemen of his burden. Olvir readjusts his wolf-hide loincloth and turns to bear his masculine greatness to the camera, beaming a HUGE, triumphant grin.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
HA HA HA HA!! YET ANOTHER meager weightlifting record broken by the GREAT OLVIR!! And even further proof that MY GREATNESS can carry ANY BURDEN!!
(The third triplet of the two-thirds of like hotness enters the frame, wearing an emerald green bikini to contrast with the ruby red and sapphire blue of her sisters’, and employs the use of a towel to dab the sweat first from Olvir’s forehead, then works her way down to his pectorals.)
Great workout, Olvir! I guess all that PUMPING has left you a little tired, huh?
(Olvir SCOFFS!! An errant fly happening to flutter past his face at that very moment explodes into insect oblivion.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
BAH!! You DARE to DEFY the GREATNESS that has PLEASED SO MANY WENCHES?! COME, bountiful maidens…
(The mighty, python-sized arms of the notorious Viking pornstar draw in all three stunningly beautiful women.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
You will SEE that my GREATNESS can NEVER TIRE, even under the MIGHTIEST OF BURDENS!! Even after ONE MILLION meager lifts… I am ready to PUMP SOME MORE!! HA HA HA HA!!
Now… shall we try ALL THREE?!?
(The girls begin to rub their hands down Olvir’s chiseled body. Catching on to the action, Tommy Salami briefly pops in front of the camera.)
Tommy Salami
Oh man, he’s at it! Whatever you do, DON’T STOP ROLLING!!
(He zips out behind the camera as the action starts to pick up…)
(…inexplicably, IGGY DORKJANKER steps into the frame and approaches Olvir.)
Iggy Dorkjanker
Hey, Olvir… you got a minute?
(COCKBLOCK!! The Great Olvir’s beaming face is BEFOULED with the gruffest of sneers.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
BAH!! Can it not wait until LATER, puny YANKER of DORKS!! The GREAT OLVIR is a trite BUSY at present!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
Yeah, I hate to be a bother… but I figured if I didn’t get this out of the way now, you’d be busy ramming asses for the next four hours. It won’t take long.
Olvir Arsvinnar
HMPH!! TELL ME, puny Ignatius, why your coming to me is SO IMPORTANT that it must PRECEDE this MOST MIGHTY ACT of BUTT DOMINANCE!?!
Iggy Dorkjanker
It has to do with your upcoming match at
LVW 4:18. I just wanted to hear your opinions on your opponents.
(The Norseman broods for a moment until one of the triplets tugs lightly at his flowing blonde beard.)
Come on, Olvir… we want to hear what you have to say about your match!
Yeah! It gets us SOOO hot to hear you talk about how much you’re going to
destroy them!
(They continue beginning with light, siren voices. Olvir thoughtfully strokes his beard for a moment and nods when a decision is reached.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
VERY WELL!! The Great Olvir, in his ALL-SEEING WISDOM, will SPEAK THE TRUTH of the PUNY, INSIGNIFICANT FOOLS that await DECAPITATION upon the field of BATTLE!!
AND THEN… when the WEAKLINGS are left WHIMPERING and COWERING IN FEAR at the mere SIGHT of my GREAT PRESENCE… they will no doubt cower even MORE, like the meager INSECTS they are, at the sight of my GREATNESS, as I DOMINATE the SUPPLE ARSES of these BOUNTIFUL MAIDENS!! HA HA HA HA!!
(The Viking pornstar pops a squat on the bench as the triplets lounge about his limbs, massaging various stress centers around his neck and joints. Olvir’s attention, however, is directed to the man before him.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
You have come to me NOW, Iggy the Dorkyanker, amid my STRENUOUS and VIGOROUS preparation for the battle that awaits me!
Iggy Dorkjanker
…pumping weights with your JUNK prepares you for battle? You mean to tell me you’re going to beat Aaron Roddick and “The Captain” David Richter with your, uh… “Greatness?”
Olvir Arsvinnar
BAH!! Do not be FOOLISH, meager Dorkyanker! What you have WITNESSED is merely my preparation for the DEBAUCHERY and BUTT DOMINATION that will FOLLOW my glorious battle!
When all of this golden kingdom of Las Vegas witnesses the QUICK, PAINFUL DESTRUCTION of my FOOLISH opponents, COUNTLESS women will FLOCK to the GREAT OLVIR… and my GREATNESS must be READY!! HA HA HA HA!!
(Olvir suddenly spots something unusual.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
IGNATIUS!! You come blessed with the FUZZY PHALLUS of HERALDS!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
(Iggy looks to his junk first, just to make sure it’s not exposed… then realizes Olvir was referring to the mic in his hand. The tacky suit with it is not quite the fanboy get-up we’re used to. He even has a press badge this time.)
Iggy Dorkjanker
Oh right… this. Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.
Olvir Arsvinnar
What is the GOOD NEWS?!
Iggy Dorkjanker
…you know, it works a bit better if I give the bad news first. So here’s the bad news… I got fired earlier today. I’m not longer a LVW talent representative. I guess one of the higher ups finally figured, “Hey, what the hell does a talent rep DO, exactly?” So I got the axe.
Olvir Arsvinnar
MOST UNFORTUNATE, meager Ignatius! Still… a REMARKABLE FEAT to have survived a most BRUTAL AXING!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
Uh… right.
Anyway, the good news is… LVW subsequently
rehired me, now as an exclusive reporter. Basically, that means I wear this suit every day, follow you around, and ask you tedious questions so the public keeps up to date on one of the federation’s biggest stars.
Olvir Arsvinnar
AH!! So the NOBLE VALKYRIES saw fit to RETURN YOU as a HERALD!! A most FORTUNATE fast to be GRANTED, noble Ignatius!
Iggy Dorkjanker
Yeah, I can’t complain… but anyway, back to the matter at hand. At LVW 4:18, you’re in a tag match. Standing on the other end of the ring are two men who you have reason to have some grief with: “A-Rod” Aaron Roddick and “The Captain” David Richter, collectively known as The Empire.
Olvir Arsvinnar
HA… in the great many YEARS that the GREAT OLVIR has traveled this globe, he has BEATEN the greatest champions, USURPED the vilest czars, DETHRONED the noblest kings, and DOMINATED more fine ARSES than he can count! But if there is yet but ONE THING I have NOT done… it is to CONQUER an EMPIRE!!
For what seems as though TIMELESS EONS, I have waited for such an opportunity… and now, a pair of the most VILEST KNAVES to ever INSULT my GREATNESS have GIVEN ME that VERY CHANCE!!
(Seething with confident, Olvir throws his head back and lets out UPROARIOUS LAUGHTER!)
Olvir Arsvinnar
It was by mere CHANCE that he ESCAPED humiliating defeat at my MIGHTY HANDS!! No doubt, before our duel, he CURSED my GREATNESS by offering a COWARDLY SACRIFICE to LOKI!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
Well, actually… A-Rod kinda ran in and clocked you with that baseball
without his knowledge.
Olvir Arsvinnar
BAH!! The AUDACITY of the knave who calls himself the A-ROD!! First of all, there is only ONE rod…
(He points to his pelvic region.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
But even MORE AUDACIOUS and BLASPHEMOUS… the knave STRIKES the GREAT OLVIR, from the angle where he is BLIND… in the most CRUCIAL MOMENT of his glorious battle with the WEAK CAPTAIN!!
Victory was ROBBED from me, and many POOR FOOLS were justly DECAPITATED in the BLOODLUST that overwhelmed me as I SEARCHED for the COWARD!!
Unfortunately for HIM, he WILL NOT run from me when we are in the NOBLE ARENA and upon the field of BATTLE!! I will bring the COWARDLY ROGUE to YUSTICE… and SINK the PUNY VESSEL of the MEAGER CAPTAIN that DARES disgrace the STRIPPERS of this NOBLE KINGDOM with his FILTH and WEAKNESS!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
Olvir, I told you before, the LVW Strip Title is… ah, forget it.
Sounds like you’re ready to get to some serious
domination with the Empire, and good luck to you on that. But there’s another factor in this match we haven’t talked about yet, and that’s your tag partner, a one “Knuckles” Malone.
Olvir Arsvinnar
HMPH!! TELL ME of this man of KNUCKLES who will be graced with the HONOR to fight alongside THE GREAT OLVIR in his time of CONQUEST!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
Well, he’s a bit of a new face on the LVW scene, but he’s already made a bit of an impact. Back at Snake Eyes, he made quite a debut by brutally attacking both The Spaniard and Nate Dakota.
Olvir Arsvinnar
Iggy Dorkjanker
How so?
Olvir Arsvinnar
HA!! Naturally, when there are WEAKLINGS that come to DISGRACE the noble arena, one must have the VALOR and COURAGE to SMITE such WEAK FOOLS and retain the HONOR of the battlefield! Such an act shows VIRTUE!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
If you say so. But the question now is, will you be able to co-exist?
Olvir Arsvinnar
BAH!! Such a trifling question! If this Malone of the Knuckles is in ANY WAY as BRILLIANT or NOBLE as the VIKINGS, then he will NO DOUBT not make the FOOLISH attempt to STAND IN MY WAY or IMPEDE THE DESTRUCTION of the FOES that have wronged me!!
I am CONFIDENT, Ignatius, that we will work WELL together… and that spells certain DOOM for the KNAVES of the THE EMPIRE!! Perhaps AFTER our GLORIOUS VICTORY, I will invite this Malone back to my LONGHOUSE to put his KNUCKLES to ANOTHER USE!! HA HA HA HA!!
(Again, his massive arms reach out and draw in the drop-dead gorgeous triplets.)
Olvir Arsvinnar
What say YOU, loyal wenches?! Does that strike your liking?!
Oh OLVIR… I’m so HOT right now!
Why are you still talking when you could be
dominating us right now??
Take us, Olvir… TAKE US!!
Olvir Arsvinnar
IGNATIUS!! Make your meager self SCARCE!! My WORK-OUT CONTINUES!!
Iggy Dorkjanker
Oh boy… right, Olvir. I’ll catch you later.
(Looking a bit flushed, the newly hired LVW reporter dashes out of the scene, likely running to the men’s room to pop out a quick one. Meanwhile, the scantily-clad trio LUNGE upon the boasting Viking. Fade to black as the action begins.)