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  1. NotorisSTD

    indefinite hiatus !!! Whhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!

    Hey, I just posted this on the WFW board, figured I'd put it up here too for people that aren't in that one. Well, I imagine a handful of you probably saw this coming, as I’ve basically been a non-presence in FWville for the past few months. I’ve kind of got myself into a position where I’ve...
  2. NotorisSTD

    indefinite hiatus !!! Whhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!

    Well, I imagine a handful of you probably saw this coming, as I’ve basically been a non-precense in FWville for the past few months. I’ve no-showed at least one or two pretty big matches, and I’m sorry about that. I’ve kind of got myself into a position where I’ve got so much going on lifewise...
  3. NotorisSTD

    [CD] immortality...

    (CUTTO: the waking hours of the morning, post-Almost Live. A heavily bandaged and banged up Felix Red is sitting on the roof of his swank luxury apartment building in Downtown Nowhere...It's a pretty chilly morning, so he's snuggled up in a black hoodie and Dickies, smirking slightly...) FELIX...
  4. NotorisSTD

    Felix is so happy! Everybody smiles! YAY!

    (CUTTO: Dank, scummy, gross basement. Felix Red sits Indian style on the ground, illuminated by a single lightbulb hanging in front of him, staring blankly up at the camera, dreads tied into a pair of ridiculous pigtails. Dude’s got no shirt on “MIDCARDER” smeared on his chest with black body...
  5. NotorisSTD

    movies from the 90s rule

    (CUEUP: “Animal” by Mindless Self Indulgence….) (CUTTO: Footage of THE FORSAKEN, hanging out in the upstairs VIP room of some big ole goth club. THE FIRST sits at the end of a long table, wearing an all black suit, long black coat, looking spiffy and contemplative. He’s flanked by ROSY, skimpy...
  6. NotorisSTD


    (CUEUP: “Negative Thinking” by TheDeathSet…) (CUTTO: Felix Red, wearing a tattered wool trench coat and black jeans, sitting in his dressing room backstage at the last Aggression, using a razor blade to break apart a gram of white powder placed on his EPW tag team title, which is laid across...
  7. NotorisSTD

    you're really f(bleep)ed now....

    (CUEUP: “Monster” by You Say Party! We Say Die!) (CUTTO: Felix Red, sitting on his private locker room floor, still in his wrestling gear, barbed wire baseball bat resting across his shoulders, with his arms draping down either side…It’d be a good crucified Jesus metaphor, but that’d be pretty...
  8. NotorisSTD

    Lose All Time

    (CUEUP: "Like I give a care" by You Say Party! We say Die!) FELIX V/O: So what's this A1E **** anyhow?" (CUTTO: A VIP room towards the back of Centerfolds Gentleman's Club, somewhere in Nowhere Mass. FELIX RED and THE FIRST are kicking back on a velvet couch – in front of them, a heart shaped...
  9. NotorisSTD

    Felix Red is a total ***** - part 1

    (CUEUP: “Got called in Sick today” by AFI…) (CUTTO: Parking lot, late night, somewhere in nowhere. Felix Red is huddled between two cars, wrapped up in newspaper, staring blankly off into space, dried snot crusted up all over his upper lip, eyes blood shot, terrible complexion, maybe in not...
  10. NotorisSTD

    Welcome back, we've missed you (face turn part 2)

    (CUTTO: Black and white footage of Felix Red, overpriced black hoodie covered in skull pattern embroidering, black Dickies, slumped in a seat on an otherwise empty subway car, staring blankly out the window. ) RED: Twilight in Autumn is pretty. Even in the city, where there are no stars, and...
  11. NotorisSTD

    never learned better....

    (CUEUP: “Bourne on the FM waves of the Heart” as covered by Ben Lee…) (CUTTO: Black and white footage of Felix, slumped on the ground, propped up against a non-function Revolution X arcade game machine…A few empty 40 bottles are scattered about beside him. Our boy’s in a black hoodie and jean...
  12. NotorisSTD

    Kooter Michaels-Cruise

    Kooter Michaels-Cruise 6’10 350 lbs Music – “The Con” by Tegan and Sara Appearance – I’m thinking a good Abyss facsimile. Disposition – Face? Ring attire – Luchadore style happy face mask with holes cut out for the eyes and mouth (El Arco Iris tribute), long, greasy, white hair coming out of...
  13. NotorisSTD

    The Con

    (CUEUP: “Build me a ladder” by Machine Go Boom.…) (CUTTO: KOOTER MICHAELS-CRUISE is wearing a Tegan and Sara T-shirt, Batman pajama bottoms, and his happy face mask, eating a soft serve ice cream cone (pistachio flavored), somewhere on the scary streets at night…) KMC: HELLO HOT SLUTS. I AM NOT...
  14. NotorisSTD

    overexposing Felix

    (CUTTO: Surveillance footage taken from the Nailbomb Nightclub, located in a back alley somewhere in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A thumping dance party remix of “Vicarious” by Tool thumps and cracks over images of tight, black leather, eyeliner, and creatively accessorized revelers grinding and...
  15. NotorisSTD

    bitter much?

    (CUTTO: black ‘n white footage of a slightly disheveled Felix Red standing slouched against a brick wall, leather jacket, faded “Leftover Crack” T-shirt and black dickies, puffing on a cigarette, making occasional glares at the camera as he speaks…) FELIX RED: I lost everything that made me...
  16. NotorisSTD

    Welcome to nowhere

    (CUTTO: black & white footage of Felix Red, slouched in the corner of a basement somewhere, staring blankly at the floor.) FELIX: Everything about this is wrong. Everyone has left me. Ryoko. Hatter. Kooter….even my enemies retire or grow bored of me or die…. I’ve been everything, I’ve been...
  17. NotorisSTD

    Felix Red

    MEMBER INFORMATION: Name: Barry Schizoid Email Address: barrythompson84@gmail.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger: Ubberkid WRESTLER INFORMATION: Wrestler Name: Felix Red Height: 6’2 Weight: 223 lbs. Hailing From: Nowhere, Massachusetts Handedness: (Right or Left): Right. Disposition: Heel (I...
  18. NotorisSTD

    The End

    (CUEUP: “So long to the Circus” by World/Inferno Friendship Society…) (CUTTO: Grainy black and white footage of Felix Red, wearing tattered old dickies, faded Dead Kennedys T-shirt slumped on the floor in a bathroom stall in the Maniac Love Nightclub, somewhere in Tokyo…Bloodied Captain America...
  19. NotorisSTD

    never run out of drugs

    (CUEUP: “Holy Tears” by Isis….) (CUTTO: Black and white footage of Felix Red, standing in front of a concrete wall, again with black body paint smeared all over, denim jacket w/spikes, no shirt, dickies, wrap around sunglasses, sneering like a big mean jerk…) RED: It just goes on… The end...
  20. NotorisSTD


    (CUEUP: “Me vs. Angry Mob” by World/Inferno Friendship Society….) (CUTTO: Everyone’s least favorite future Scientologist, screen actress and pop music sensation, LINDSAY LOHAN is in the bathroom at the ultra-posh MANIC LOVE nightclub, in a neck brace, size too small Mooninite T-shirt, and a...

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